We build a house: it is easy or difficult?

Live in your large spacious house, their own «family estate», probably everyone’s dream. In the house of your dreams, which is surrounded by a well -groomed flowering area, your children may live, perhaps grandchildren, and even children of grandchildren and great -grandchildren. And you can build such a house-country with your own hands. Now it is quite real. Moreover, only you know what exactly it should be, this house of your dreams.

It will be more profitable to build your own house yourself even from the economic side. First of all, you will save on labor. Not to mention the fact that you can be proud of your cozy nest, which “crucified” yourself. Of course, it will not be easy to do without help, but if you turn to relatives or friends, they will most likely be happy to help you.

If you are an employed person, then for the construction of your own home you can hire professionals. It will turn out, believe me, no worse, because the project of your own home will be compiled at your request. Now there are many companies engaged in capital construction that will build a house that you only want, although it will cost, of course, much more than independent work. But then, having paid the money, you can be calm and go about your business until you get a turn -key for a ready -made house for you.

If you decide to independently build, but you lack knowledge, then you can draw them out of special literature, as well as from the Internet.

The first step towards the house of your dreams is a project that should take into account all the necessary stages of construction, up to the smallest details. You need to plan everything: the foundation, the walls, the windows, the location of the rooms, and even where the switches and sockets will be. Again, if you are uncertain that you will succeed well, then you can always contact specialists in the field of design.

The second important stage is the harvesting of building materials. Now there will be no problems with this. You should not save on the quality of building materials, because you are building nothing but a generic estate.

First you should purchase such building materials:

• sand;

• concrete;

• brick;

• foam concrete;

• frame for the foundation of your home;

• panels.

If there is a construction, then this does not mean at all that there should be a mess on the site. Now, more than ever, all building materials should be in perfect order and you could always quickly find what you need.

You will need construction equipment that may find relatives, acquaintances or friends. The same lifting crane rental price for which is quite low. Only what you cannot find, buy in the store.

Now that you have acquired everything necessary for construction, including the baggage of the necessary knowledge, collected your family-friendly brigade of builders, you can start work. First you need to explore the site, think about where the house will “grow”, and where the flowering garden or luxurious flower bed.

Builders, of course, are not born, they become. More self -confidence and own forces, and under your sensitive leadership, your own construction team will erect your dream house!