We build a house from foam blocks

Private construction is very popular, since many people want to replace close and noisy apartments in high -rise buildings with a spacious house, protected from all sides from noise and curious views.

For the construction of a private structure, completely different materials can be used. However, if you need to build a house quickly, as well as with small financial expenses, but it should be warm and reliable, then foam concrete blocks are considered the best choice. Construction is considered fast and simple, as well as high -quality structures, ready for use for the intended purpose immediately after finishing work. Additionally, all the stages of the construction of the house can be implemented independently, so the costs will be minimal. You can build a two -story building with extensions or attic.

Positive characteristics of foam blocks

This material is popular for private construction due to the availability of certain advantages, which include:

It turns out houses that have the ability to breathe, so the optimal microclimate is provided in all rooms;

The structure of the blocks is porous, so they have excellent thermal insulation parameters, and in the summer in the house it will always be comfortable and cool;

The soundproofing properties are magnificent, so in such a structure it will always be very quiet;

The service life of buildings reaches 50 years, and with good use and proper care, it can be significantly increased;

The material is created only from safe components, therefore, an environmentally friendly construction element is obtained;

The blocks are large enough, so the process of masonry is simple;

The material has a unique ability to withstand even constant temperature differences, and also has a low flammability;

Foam blocks have a slight weight, due to which the house of them can be installed on a simple and inexpensive foundation, as well as the construction process can be carried out on any soil;

Construction technology is considered very simple, so this process is implemented without special problems independently even without experience and the ability to use complex construction equipment.

How to build a house from foam blocks correctly

Construction involves the implementation of individual and fairly simple work, and each action should be given as much attention and time as possible. The process does not take much time, and there will also not be any difficulties. Conditionally, all construction is divided into the following stages:

Installing the foundation at home. The base of the structure is an important part of it, on which the safety of its use and the service life of it depend. For this, the site allocated for the construction process is prepared, for which all unnecessary elements are removed from it, and markings are also applied. The pit of the optimal size and depths breaks out. Its bottom is trimmed, after which a layer of sand is laid, which is poured with water and is well trimmed. Next, the formwork is mounted, its waterproofing is performed using roofing material, and it is also carefully reinforced using the corresponding metal mesh. A concrete solution is prepared, which can be made independently or purchased in the finished form. A concrete solution is poured into the formwork, which is mixed well and pierced so that there are no voids in it. The concrete should be completely freezed, and in order not to form cracks in it, it is necessary to regularly moisten it with a suitable amount of water. After solidification of the substance, the resulting base is covered with a waterproofing film, and then a blind area is formed.

Pencius masonry. Further, on the created foundation, you can begin a direct construction of a structure from foam concrete blocks. During styling, you need to use a suitable pantry, and it is also important to reinforce those parts of the walls where there are windows and doors, as well as all jumpers. The first row of blocks should be laid with particular caution, since it is important to make sure of its ideal evenness. If there are any problems or excesses, then this can lead to the construction of an uneven and short-lived structure.

Wall covering. Different materials are suitable for this that can simulate a brick, natural stone or other unique and attractive options. It is best to use panels or other materials that will allow the heat -insulating material between the cladding and the walls. In this case, it will be possible to get a building that will be warm and comfortable, as well as heating in the winter will not need to spend a lot of money.

Formation of ceilings. This must be done only according to a pre -made project and calculations.

Creating a rafter structure and laying roofing material. For a private residential building, the most suitable roof with slopes is considered, on which precipitation will not accumulate. Ceramic tiles, slate or other materials suitable for a residential building can be used as roofing material. They fit in accordance with the rules and requirements that are presented to them.

Installation of windows and doors.

Bringing engineering communications to the structure.

Finishing work.

Thus, a house built of foam concrete blocks will have numerous positive parameters, and it is also simple in construction, therefore it is considered an excellent solution for the formation of an inexpensive and high -quality residential structure.