We are building a change house

Chanceta is a small structure of additional purpose. Such a structure of metal, wood or other building material is being built. In addition, in the buildings of this plan, a separate room is usually assumed, such as the pantry. A working inventory and tool are stored in the pantry. Before the construction of the house, it is necessary to understand how and for what purposes it will serve. In this article we will discuss the types of everyday life that can be built independently. Detailed step -by -step instruction will be presented below.

Building a house with our own hands

Regarding the purpose of the change house, perhaps, two versions are obvious, which determine the selection of the structure of the construction itself.

1 version — this is the place of residence of employees who will be scored for the construction of the main house. In this case, the household requires all the conditions for convenience. Namely: respite, rest, salvation from bad weather, as well as heating in the cold season. Moreover, workers need an additional place where they will store building materials and tools.

2 version is a primitive room where building materials and tools are located. The presence of any comfort in it is not supposed.

Of course, for any of the options, their own project should be developed. Take into account such circumstances as:

The material used in construction, whether it be wood or metal.

Type of foundation foundation.

The size of the construction, the conditions of its location.

If you apply the above first option, then the choice of place depends only on convenience. However, it is worth considering that the selected place is located at a certain distance from the construction site, paths for transporting materials and lines of further communications.

If you build according to the second version, then taking into account the above factors is not necessary at all.

Before the construction of the household, it is necessary to establish its parameters. If workers plan to live in a trailer, and it is planned to store the material — you will need a trailer at least six meters in length and three meters wide in width. And if the change house will be used as a storage of a construction tool, expenses of workers and refuge from bad weather, two by four by four meters is completely enough.

When choosing the parameters and places of position of the change house, it is also necessary to calculate the probability of moving it to a different place or sale. You should know that without much permission, the load is allowed to be transported by a width of not more than two and a half meters, a height of not more than four meters.

The foundation for our structure does not have to be massive, using concrete or reinforced concrete. The main thing is that the foundation protects the construction from moisture that appears from the soil.

Highly efficient and economical will apply asbestos -cement glasses, slag blocks as a basis.

The manufacture of the foundation

Laying the foundation passes in this way:

Cleaning a site from all kinds of debris and vegetation.

Removing the surface layer of soil in the corners where supports will be placed.

Then lay a mixture consisting of sand, crushed stone and wems. Then moistened with water and tamped tightly.

If asbestos -cement glasses are taken as the basis, then the ability to lay the tile. This will give an increase in the area of ​​the base.

Before placing a slag block on the pillow, you need to make sure that the styling is horizontal.

On the supports should be put such material as roofing ground. This will protect the wooden frame from soil moisture.

This type of foundation is very easy to make for yourself for a couple of hours.

After completing work with the foundation, we move on to the construction of the walls.

Making the frame of the cabinet from wood

First we put and fix the lower bars on the supports. This beam is firmly fixed on the supports of the basics using brackets. Next, racks are installed on the beam.

As soon as all the planned racks are installed, you can start installing the upper bars.

When the cabin of the cabinet is ready, we proceed to the finish of the outer surface with the material, for example, oriented with a brigade.

And the cavity of the frame resulting from this is filled with insulation. Insulation, in turn, cover with vapor barrier film. Additional protection of the external walls can be their coating as a corrugated board.

As soon as the base of your change house is made, we proceed to the installation of a lag, rafters. Then the ceiling luggage is mounted on the inner cut of the lag. And then fix the vapor barrier film. And the insulation is laid on this film. Sheets of slate or profiled sheets are laid out on the boards.

Speaking about the equipment of windows, then for everyday life most often chosen ordinary wood frames. True, if a house is needed in the cold season, then plastic windows are recommended. Put the door to your taste, whether it is metal or wooden.