Polypropylene water supply — we do it with our own hands quickly and easily

Many today, mounting pipes, think about installing a water supply of polypropylene. And all due to the fact that this material can be characterized only on the positive side, because it has excellent thermal, mechanical and physical properties. By the way, they are so high quality that they are great even for the transportation of gases or liquids for aggressive chemical media, so that if necessary, the water supply will not need to be insulated.

Polypropylene water supply — application and characteristics

Welding of polypropylene pipes with the transition — video

The range of use of such pipes is very wide. So, they are necessary for the supply of hot and cold water, technical and drinking, for the central and local heating system. True, wanting to create a water supply from polypropylene with your own hands, be sure to be guided by the advice of specialists who will help you choose the material for specific goals. Much better, agree that your old cast -iron pipes.


Fitting. They are divided into several types: some are used in order to combine the elements of the pipes with each other, while others have threaded joints, which can also not be detachable and detachable. The last type is more expensive, and you should choose based on the simplicity of operation. So, for example, to connect a tank or water meters, it is better to use a detachable threaded connection, but for a flexible hose it is better to use non -detachable elements.

Clushes. This element is needed in order to grow pipe segments among themselves.

Ugolniki — if you are going to install pipes at an angle, then without this element of the work is not carried out.

Tees — are needed in order to create a branch when installing pipes.

If you want the water supply in the end to be as high quality as possible, you should pay attention to the state of all their elements, as well as what technical requirements they should meet.

All details should be clean, not damage

Environmental temperature — from five degrees of heat and above

All spare parts of such pipes should be kept away from the fire and protect against all damage

Polypropylene water supply — used tools and installation itself

Video shows how to properly solder pipes with your own hands

If you want to install the water supply from polypropylene pipes, you need to purchase everything you need in advance, including the necessary tool.

Electric welding machine along with the necessary nozzles

Scissors for trimming pipes, but if there is no such tool, you can use an electrolobian, go to a hacksaw

Preparatory work:

To begin with, you should install nozzles on the welding machine (better, with Teflon coating), and then heat it, setting the temperature in the region of 250-270 degrees. In general, the time of its warming up will depend on what the environment is.

The installation itself is carried out strictly in the bell during the field welding field, during which a seam (homogeneous) is formed of very high quality.

Stages of installation

Measure and then cut a piece of pipe of the diameter that you need. Do not forget to remove the middle and upper layer to the depth to which the clutch will “enter” when welding.

Pipe end should be cleaned of the so -called burrs.

Use a marker in order to leave marker on the pipes at the level of depth of the entrance to it couplings. At the same time, you must consider that one of the ends of the pipe does not need to be pushed to the end, leaving a small interval between the protrusion in the fittings and the end. This will prevent narrowing of the pipes transitions to the joints.

Mark the places where the fitting and the surface of the pipes will be connected.

We put the fitting and end of the pipe on top of the nozzle. Remember — you need to heat them at one time, as well as as tightly as possible, in the opposite case, the connections will not be reliable.

After heating all the details is carried out, they are removed from the nozzles, and after that they are connected to each other, guided by the marks made in advance. In this case, you need to make efforts so that everything goes to “100%”. Despite the fact that the seam staining time takes about 20 seconds, you need to connect them as tightly as possible during this time so that the installation is high -quality.

In this way, other nodes of your future pipeline will be connected in this way. The scheme of work should be determined in advance, it should be proceeded from the working conditions and the design of the pipes. True, the defining factor in this case is the selected welding method.

If you decide to attract specialists to the installation of, it is imperative to ensure that the work corresponds to all existing GOSTs.

If you want to carry out installation directly in the summer cottage, it is better to choose a plastic water supply, because, firstly, the method of installation in this case is easier, and secondly, you will not need to use an expensive machine for welding, which also cannot but rejoice.