DIY water supply — we make no worse than professional plumbing

If you decide to make a plastic water supply with your own hands, first of all you need to get acquainted with the theoretical part of this work. Its stable functioning depends on how competently and correctly mounted the system, and, therefore, your belief that it will not fail for many years.

Installation of a plastic water supply — create a diagram and select tools

We make water supply from polypropylene pipes — video

As before any responsible work, first of all, you need to create an action plan — in our case it will be designed by the water supply circuit. When creating it, you need to take into account the places where a bath, toilet, sink and washing machine will be installed subsequently. It is most convenient to draw the future location of the pipes on millimeter paper, taking into account all the proportions.

In addition, you need to decide how the pipes will be located — outside or inside the wall. If the second option is chosen, then be prepared for the fact that you will need to post the walls, for which you need a punch or a strobore. In addition, in this case, it will be necessary to purchase a special insulation of foamed polyethylene — Merilillon, which will compensate for the temperature expansion of the pipes. If possible, at this stage, it is better to consult an experienced plumber so that he indicates possible errors in the calculations and help to correct them.

After the scheme was developed, you can go to the plumbing store. It is better if all pipes, knees and other components will be purchased in one place, since all the components of the future water supply should ideally be made by one manufacturer. It is better to buy pipes with a margin, because when joining with fitting, they “move” by about one centimeter. In addition, just in case, it is worth buying two or three spare fitting to practice on a spike.

In addition, you will need a soldering iron for plastic pipes, a pipe cutter (special pipe scissors), a marker and roulette for marking. In principle, you can cut pipes with a hacksaw with a small tooth, but it, unlike the Rezak, is not able to make a strictly perpendicular incision, which in this case is important.

How to make a water supply — preparatory work

Video — Plastic sewer pipes and for water supply

So, after everything necessary for repairs was bought, you can start work. However, before starting to replace the pipes, experienced craftsmen recommend replacing the sewer riser and diverting highways. They need to be provided with locking taps that allow you to block water supply only in your apartment, without causing inconvenience to neighbors. It is not recommended to do this work without proper experience, otherwise you risk turning your and your lower apartment (and in the worst case and not one) into a small lake.

Before dismantling all the pipe replacement, you need to block the water supply in the apartment. Since in most old houses the pipes are metal, to remove them, you will definitely need a grinder with a metal disk. In addition, if you plan to hide the water supply in the wall, you will need to past the channels under it. The width of the channel should be planned taking into account the thickness of the insulation.

How to carry out a water supply system correctly — proceed to work

To begin with, you must make sure that all pipes and fittings are dry and have no pollution, otherwise their soldering will be very difficult. If the pruning was made with a hacksaw, then the edges of the sawed should be treated with sandpaper or rashpil until smooth. Installation of plastic pipes begins from the most inaccessible place. First, it is necessary to measure and cut off a piece of the pipe of the desired length (with a two -centimeter margin) and prepare a fitting with which it will be fixed to the riser.

Now it’s time to turn on the soldering iron. Previously, nozzles are installed on it, the diameter of which is determined by the size of the pipe diameter. The temperature is set in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer of plastic communications. The fitting is put on one side of the heating coupling, and the pipe is inserted into another. After they warm up to the desired temperature, they are removed from the soldering iron and interconnected, as if screwing them into each other. The force should be such that a flat ring forms on the fitting. The connected parts should stand in such a way that all special marks on them coincide.

You can proceed to further work after they are solidified (its time is also indicated by the pipe manufacturer). All subsequent compounds are made in the same way. To fix the pipes to the wall (with external launching communications), special clips are used. You can let water through new pipes only in the past a few hours after the completion of work. In the event that a hidden installation is done, before the pipes in the wall, you need to make sure that they do not give leaks.

We hope that our instructions on how to make a water supply with your own hands, a video story about which also complements the article will help you in this hard work. However, it should still be remembered that if you are not confident in your abilities, the installation of communications is better to entrust professionals.