Watering station for home: installation, launch instructions

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Like any resident of the city or village, the owner of a private house, primarily puzzles the possibility of drinking water, without leaving his home. A water station for the house will help to bring water.

Tip: save your time and money. Before going to the store, prepare the plan of your future water supply and after moving on to the next stage — the choice of a water station.

Where should it be located?

Remember the basic clear rule: the best place for installing the station is the top of the house. This is most favorable: the level of noise perception is reduced, as well as the risk of freezing of water, which is very important for heating.

You can choose another option: install the station with a heating boiler. Only at the same time take into account the length of the pipes that are brought to the station.

How to install the station?

First you need to screed the floor in the room, since the installation of the station requires a solid and stable surface. After everything is ready, proceed directly to the installation. First install the station in the planned place, and then start the launch.

Important: installation should be carried out using nuts and rubber linings. All this is done so that the water station is as stable as possible.

Station launch instructions:

When all preparatory work is completed, proceed to the main task: you need to turn on the station and check its work.

Attention: with my bare hands not to cope with her. Stock up with instruments and tools:

The pump from the bicycle




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After starting to perform in strict order:

Install the check valve in the pump opening, which is responsible for the water fence. This is done in order to exclude her return to the well.

Screw a steel corner into which a special adapter should be screwed with a cut, which is made on the outside.

Seal all adapters using sealants. Do not forget to prepare them in advance; And pay attention to the quality.

Fastening the composite pipeline, more precisely its adapter. Choose only a metal -plastic pipeline (it will last longer).

Next, you need to twist the nut with the adapter and remove the squeezing ring.

After that, we put on the nut and ring in the exact order. And nothing else. And only then the pipeline is put on the fitting, which has a pair of sealing rings. And we pierce the compressive directly through the pipeline.

Press the ring to the endor end and then start screwing the nut. At the same time, press it slightly with a wrench.

The next step is to screw the nipple and the subsequent application of the sealing composition. It is better to choose on the basis of silicone — it will be stronger.

Repeat the fastening of the wrench.

Now you need to wind the corner on the nipple, but already with an internal cut. At the same time also twist the nut and remove the ring.

The last step is to put on the fitting of the pipeline segment. And again everything is fixed using the corner. And we send the free end to any free container.

Tip: Do not forget about sealant! An important part of the work is reliable consolidation of all parts.