Drywall walls — from creating a drawing to final finishes

You can solve the problem of zoning the premises by constructing new interior walls from drywall. Of course, they will not replace the capital, but they will practically not create additional loads on the ceiling of the house, and if desired, they can be easily dismantled.

How to make walls from drywall with your own hands — we select tools and materials

Video use of mounting glue with drywall

First, let’s talk about the materials and tools necessary for the plasterboard wall to appear in your apartment. Of the materials you will need:

Drywall. It is best to take 12.5 mm sheets and, if high humidity reign in the room, then they should be moisture resistant.

Profiles. Since we are not talking about leveling with drywall, but about creating new walls, you will need UW profiles (40×50 mm) and CW profiles (50×50 mm), from which a strong and reliable frame will be erected.

You also need to «arm yourself» and some tools and consumables. First of all, it is a punch and a screwdriver, as well as levels (ordinary with “eyes” and laser), roulette, scissors for metal, plumb line, as well as various metizes. To accelerate and noticeably facilitate the work, we advise you to acquire such a tool as a ladder for profiles. With it, you can connect racks and guides to each other without using any other fasteners.

In addition, to connect the profiles, you can use the rivet. It is not difficult to work with him: for starters, in two profiles inserted into each other (in our case it is UW — and CW profiles), a through hole is made using the drill. Then the rivets themselves are installed in the riveper, put the tool close to the hole and pressed on the handle. The result is a reliable and strong mount. Such a compound has, perhaps, only one drawback — unlike the «self -cut» it is quite difficult to disassemble.

Preparatory work

Video installation of giper on glue

Before you think about how to make a drywall wall, you need to thoroughly prepare. Work on creating a wall of drywall begins with the manufacture of drawings. You need to determine in which place the design will be located, as well as its size and geometry. If it seems to you that you will not be able to create a scheme yourself, you can spy it on the Internet and simply repeat it. At the same stage, you need to calculate the number of necessary materials.

After the drawing was made and all the necessary materials are purchased, you can proceed to the markup. To begin with, on the ceiling by a building pencil, a peculiar projection of the future structure is drawn — that is, the lines to which guides will be attached. In order for the markup, and, therefore, the design itself turns out to be perfect, you need to use the laser level.

Then the line received on the ceiling is transferred with a plumb line to the floor. After that, the extreme points of the “floor” and “ceiling” line are interconnected, drawing one more on the wall. Now you can fix the guide profiles (40×50 mm) to the ceiling and floor — this is done using a dowel -grooves or anchors inserted into a hole drilled with a perforator. On the wall in the same way we fasten a profile of 50×50 mm, also connecting it with both guides using self -tapping screws, rivets or crushing. Next, at a distance of 60 cm from the profile mounted on the wall, we install the rack profile, fixing it to the guides in one of the above methods. In the same way, we mount the rest of the racks.

Note that the distance of 60 cm is measured from the middle of one profile to the middle of the other.

DIY drywall wall — we finish the work

Now you can proceed to the lining of drywall. To begin with, we “sew up” one of the parties, “planting” gypsum plasterboard on metal screws. Fix the sheets to each of the installed profiles; The distance between the fasteners should not be more than two tens of centimeters.

If the height of your wall exceeds the length of drywall sheets, you need to increase them using the pieces cut to the right size. Solid and cut sheets are fixed in a checkerboard pattern. That is, in the first row, at first, a whole sheet is placed, which is increased by cut off, and in the second — on the contrary, first of all, you need to fix the segment. The third row is made as well as the first, the fourth — as the second and so on.

However, if before making a drywall wall, you decided that it should, among other things, perform a soundproof function, it should be laid in it special, so -called sound -absorbing mineral slabs. They need to put them in the dispute between the racks. This is very easy to do, since the width of such plates, as a rule, is also 60 cm. After the installation of sound insulation, we “sew up” our design with drywall and on the other hand. Then it will be possible to proceed to the final decoration of drywall — putty, pasting with wallpaper or painting.

If you still have any questions about how the walls of drywall are made — a video video that is supplemented by our today’s article will give you all the necessary answers.