Wicker furniture for cottage — beauty and comfort

Resting from urban hassle in the country, I would like to move away as much as possible from the entire city. We walk barefoot, drink water from a well, cook in a Russian stove. Wicker furniture for a summer residence fits perfectly into this atmosphere of environmental recreation. There is nothing more pleasant than a quiet evening with a mug of tea to sit on a veranda in a wicker chair. This furniture has always been in fashion, especially in the “silver” century before last. In those years, wicker furniture for a summer residence was an unchanged attribute of a suburban noble life. Made it from the willow vine.

As you know, everything new is well forgotten old. Now wicker furniture for giving again in fashion and is very popular with lovers of country life. It is environmentally friendly and safe for health, has high strength and withstands loads up to 500 kg. Its main advantage is lightness, even a child can tolerate this furniture.

Wicker furniture for a summer residence does not require special care. In addition to washing textile covers, the furniture itself can be cleaned with a brush, and the dust inside the interweaving can be removed using a vacuum cleaner. Rotan furniture after cleaning is processed with a remedy for polished wooden furniture, so that it retains its original appearance and shine for a long time. Wicker furniture for the garden and cottage has a long service life-20-25 years and is not afraid of high humidity and frosts, as a result of which it can be very winter in a cold, not heated house, however, it is not worth leaving it in the open air for the whole winter. The material for modern wicker furniture is rattan (palm fiber), willow vine, reeds, hemp and bamboo. Recently, wicker furniture for summer cottage fiber for rattan has appeared on sale. Artificial rattan looks just like natural material, also resistant to weather changes.

Good wicker furniture all is made by hand. A decorative canvas from natural or synthetic fibers is covered on a strong frame. Details are pulled together using strips of skin or joined with special pins. This furniture fits perfectly into any interior of a country house, especially wicker furniture for cottage looks on cozy terraces and verandas. Separate items fit well into the interior of the bedroom, dining rooms, bringing a note of colonial style. The combination of various techniques in the manufacture of furniture is now considered to be especially fashionable. Decorative Rotan inserts in their collections are used by many designers.

Every year beautiful and comfortable wicker furniture for a summer residence is deservedly in demand.