Mold on plastic windows: how to prevent

Black non -aesthetic spots, mold, fungus appeared on slopes and plastic windows — obvious signs of microclimate disorders and temperature balance in the room. You can discuss the causes of the fungus and its consequences for a long time, abstruse and tedious.

But who is interested? Consider the specific causes and ways of combating this unpleasant phenomenon.

Increased humidity of the room and, as a result, condensate on the walls and windows.

Advice! You can determine the level of humidity using a hygrometer. On average, at a temperature in the apartment of 20-25C and relative humidity up to 45, condensate loss is unlikely; If the percentage of moisture increases to 60, the probability of dampness on the surfaces increases significantly, and when reaching 90, condensation will necessarily be.

If the readings of the device or personal sensations and observations indicate high humidity, then it follows:

Improver the room after washing, cooking, when drying linen.

Ensure free circulation of warm air flow from heating radiators throughout the apartment.

Acquire an air dominant that works from electricity or based on the principle of absorption.

Maintain the temperature in the room at least 20c.

Do not leave open containers with water (pots, buckets, etc.).

Important! Condensate that appears on the surface of the plastic window is not considered a defect in the window structure, manufacturers do not accept claims on this subject.

Violation or lack of ventilation due to the tightness of the window structure.

It is no secret that a tightly closed plastic window is high -quality coverage of air access from the street. Manufacturers and craftsmen installing double -glazed windows strongly recommend using the winter ventilation function, which is in every modern window, or to make forced ventilation and open the sash several times a day for at least 15 minutes.

Advice! As an alternative, a complete airing can be used by the air recuperator, it will not only create the necessary air exchange, but will also not allow the heat to leave the premises.

Installation of a double -glazed window with a violation of heat, steam and waterproofing.

In case of violation of building codes, depressurization of the entire system may appear and, as a result, mold on plastic windows. Installation seams are responsible for her tightness.

The correctly made mounting seam consists of 3 layers of seal:

Outer. Provides protection of insulation from atmospheric influences (waterproofing).

Average. Sound — and thermal insulation.

Interior. Vapor barrier.


When choosing a company specializing in the installation of window plastic systems, try to collect as much information as possible about it, ask friends and colleagues.

Feel free to be interested in the work and materials used.

High level of wall moisture.

Most often, this factor appears after the completion of the construction or overhaul of the building, which includes: reconstruction of the building, painting and plastering work. In this case, it is better to install double -glazed windows in the summer, when it is possible to thoroughly dry the window openings before replacing the windows.

Installation of the window that is not suitable for this climatic area (insufficient heat transfer resistance).

When choosing a plastic window, we are usually interested in the number of glasses and cameras, sizes, appearance. Although, first of all, it should be inquired by the coefficient of resistance of its heat transfer. A comfortable atmosphere in the room (especially in the winter) and the balance between street and room temperature directly depend on this parameter.

Heat transfer resistance standards:

Middle strip — 0.55.

Northern areas — from 0.63.


To save and at the same time get the necessary heat transfer parameters, as well as minimize condensate loss, you can put an energy -saving glass in the glass pad.

If you are afraid to be deceived, conduct experience: bring the flame of the candles or lighter to the double -glazed window and look at the reflection. There should be as many lights as glasses; energy-saving glass due to a more complex structure will give the reflection of another color.