We increase the apple garden — all about the autumn apple tree planting

The name of the ability to lay their own garden, many plant trees of apple trees that bring beautiful fruits for a quarter century, otherwise more. The apple tree is the most popular tree in the garden, which is valued for the productivity and ease of care. However, simplicity does not mean a violation of technology for the care, clearing, vaccination, prevention and treatment of diseases. In this case, you should have the necessary knowledge and skills about the agricultural technology of planting and leaving the trees of apple trees, which under these conditions are perfectly growing and fruitful.

Depending on the presence of seedlings, apple trees can be planted, starting in the early spring and ending in deep autumn. Apple trees take root perfectly during spring landing in the zone of non -black earth, even in conditions of minimal autumn rainfall and cold weather. However, the autumn time of the year gives the optimal conditions for planting trees. This is due to the fact that the root system has the opportunity to gradually prepare for the active period of growth. There is a basic rule. In the spring, the apple should be planted before the buds awaken, and in the fall, when the leaves fall.

Autumn landing is carried out under weather conditions of the absence of daily frosts. Landing itself is carried out 15 days before them, which allows you to successfully form a new root system.

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Preparatory work for apple tree planting

The root system of the apple tree does not tolerate swampy soils, and the content of a large number of stone. The soil should be leaps for water penetration and air saturation. Given the features of the root system of the apple tree, the optimal place for it will be where groundwater is at a depth of more than 2 meters. When laying the apple garden, you should use the marking: the distance between the trees — 3 meters, the row -row — 6 meters.

The apple tree planting place is prepared a month before. To do this, a pit with steep walls, not 0.5 meters and 1 meter wide, is dug up in the selected place. At the same time, a layer of humus and a less fertile layer should be neatly divided. In the middle of the bottom of the prepared pit, a wooden, sharpened and burned, at the end of the stake to a depth of at least 5 cm is driven. The length of the stake is calculated so that it protrudes from the pit up to 40 cm. Almost a stake should have a length of 1.45 — 1.5 m.

Further, for planting, the preparation of a soil mixture is carried out. To do this, use the fertile part of the humus, to which humus, peat, compost is added. Organic fertilizers can also be added to the mixture, and sand for heavy clay soils can be added. The prepared mixture falls asleep a month before planting in a prepared hole so that a small hump is formed above the surface. The rest of the mixture is left and if a strong shrinkage of the soil occurs, then it is poured with the remaining soil mixture. The remaining part of the infertile soil is laid out around the tree trunk along the line of the landing pit in the form of a protective roller.

Differences in the landing pit depending on the composition of the soil

If the soil has a clay structure, then the depth of the planting pit is increased for the formation of a drainage layer, which is made of stones, tin cans, parts of wooden scraps, which will provide the root system with the right amount of nutrients and air;

If a drainage layer is not made in the landing pit, then its width increases without a change in depth of 0.4 m., which will protect the root system from acidification;

If the landing site has sandy soil, then in the planting pit it is necessary to make a layer to hold moisture from clay or river mule.

If at the place of landing there is a close presence of groundwater (depth of up to 1.5 m), then preparatory work on planting is limited to simple digging of the soil, planting the seedling is not a slight depth.

If soil passes at a depth of less than 1.5 meters, then the seedling is planted in pre -prepared hills, which have a height and diameter of at least 1.5 m.

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The most important part is the planting of a seedling in a landing pit

Each seedling, bought or grown independently, carefully examine before landing. If the cuts of the root system have white color, then it is alive and approaches the landing, if brown, then it was dried or succumbed to the effects of frost. This condition of the root system is not a problem. All damaged parts are cut out and a couple of centimeters are pruned to a living part.

A recess is made in a pre -prepared landing pit, which is fully consistent with the root system of the seedling. Before the seedlings in the seat, the hole is poured with clean soil to protect young roots from burns with fertilizers. The seedling must be placed on the north side of the landing stake, and the stem neck should protrude over the soil of 5 cm. The stem neck is located on the border of changes in the color of the roots and the barrel of the seedling. This line cannot be deepened into the ground, as this will lead to a deterioration in wood growth and irregular crops in the future. Also applies to the error of the too high location of the stem line. This will lead to poor saturation of the root system with moisture on hot days.

As the practice shows planting an apple tree, it is best in a couple, when one regulates the depth of the seedling, and the second evenly has the filled soil. After filling the soil, its uniform seal is carried out. To do this, use a method of a small vertical shake of the seedling, which leads to uniform soil compaction in the root system. Poor soil compaction leads to the appearance of air plugs and drying out the root system.

After sealing the seedling, in the landing pit, it is garter to the stake, which is recommended to be carried out using polyethylene twine of polyethylene. This supports the seedling and does not allow him to settle. At the end, several water buckets are poured into the formed hole, and after its absorption, the surface is mulched. To do this, you can use humus or remaining soil. Subsequently, depending on weather conditions, after 1-3 days, regular watering of the seedling is carried out, which leads to the saturation of the root system of moisture and its additional compaction in the soil. If the precipitation of the soil led to the deepening of the barrel line of the seedling below the soil line, then it is neatly raised and the planting hole is poured. Since August, plentiful watering of the seedling stops.

In fact, planting of apple tree seedlings does not need special skills, but you should clearly follow the technology and observe climatic and ground characteristics. In general, a properly prepared planting pit and a soil mixture provides beautiful wood growth and excellent fruiting.