Wall decoration in the kitchen: options

Often making repairs in our apartment, we are trying to bring together: practicality, beauty and budget. And one of the frequently asked questions: what material to finish the working area of ​​the kitchen so that it is within the budget, but still interesting and practical.

Let’s figure it out, because, as elsewhere, each of the materials has its own pros and cons of. What will be decisive for you when choosing a particular material — it depends on you completely.

So, what options are possible:


Of the pluses: there are fairly budget options, it is easily washed, the widest range of tiles is represented by beautiful diverse options that are suitable for the living space, so there is a spaciousness for fantasy.

Of the minuses: If there are electric wires or pipes to be replaced behind the tiles, you will have to remove all the tiles, which, of course, carries a lot of inconvenience and subsequently hit the budget. Another significant minus, which, in principle, is eliminated with proper care, is the accumulation of dirt, and, subsequently, microbes and mold in the seams between the tiles. But to help the hostesses, the modern chemical industry has created a lot of means to eliminate this drawback of tiles.


Latex wallpaper is the cheapest and most impractical option for the kitchen. With systematic care of the kitchen — they will not be enough for a long time.

A good enough option that meets the definitions: practical and beautiful — this is vinyl wallpaper. Pros: a wide price range for any pocket. The walls are not necessary to putty to an ideal state, they fit perfectly and on minor irregularities. The process of cleaning and washing is sufficiently well tolerated, but in this sense they are not as durable as tiles. Of the other significant minuses — vinyl wallpapers do not pass air, which means that moisture accumulates behind the wallpaper, which leads to the formation of mold and the spread of bacteria. Here, as in the case of tiles, leaving is possible only by preventing the accumulation of moisture, namely, it is necessary to think in detail the ventilation system.

Floselywain wallpaper. From the pluses: they breathe, which protects against mold formation. Suitable for painting (about 20 times can be repainted). Easy to care. Easy to glue and removed. You can not even stick on perfectly even walls. Of the minuses: more expensive than ordinary wallpapers. And yet, in the area of ​​the kitchen slab, where constant spray and evaporation, there are traces on the wallpaper.

Fiberglass wallpaper. Of the pluses: the most durable and convenient to use. With all this, they breathe, which reduces the likelihood of mold in the presence of care. A wide range for every taste. Of the minuses: expensive. And an important condition is perfectly even walls on which a reinforced mesh is superimposed, and then wallpaper is already glued, in view of which you need a lot of glue. But there is a plus in this — additional wall protection from cracks.

Liquid wallpaper. Become very popular in the market. Are easily applied, hide the flaws of the walls. The composition includes natural components, gluing the base, divorced in water and glued. To serve longer — you can cover with a protective layer — acrylic. The price range is wide: everyone can choose the right option for himself.


A very interesting option for creative natures — there are simply no restrictions for imagination. Of the minuses: the wall should be carefully prepared and be perfectly flat. Well, the prices for paint, of course, bite, although the price is also large.

Wall panels

Wall panels (wooden, plastic, glass). Of the pluses: there are various design solutions, the tree always looks rich, it is easy to care for plastic and glass. From significant advantages: the wall is first not necessary to prepare for the installation of panels. Minus: expensive pleasure, moreover, you will have to be on a master who will install the panels.

Decorative stone

Decorative stone (brick, plaster) is ideal in the design plan and in terms of practicality when decorating a kitchen apron. Very practical, easy to care, durable. Of the minuses: expensive and important is the correct combination with the rest of the kitchen design.

Thus, there is always a choice. It is important to correlate your desires and pros \ minuses of each hotel material and choose in favor of the most suitable for you. And then your cuisine will become a place where you want to cook with pleasure, not afraid to cause irreparable damage to the working area and receiving aesthetic pleasure in the dining area.