Bedroom decoration — how to equip the ceiling and walls?

The decoration of the bedroom is probably the most pleasant moment of repair throughout the house. After all, in this room you can realize absolutely all your wishes. There are a great many options.

Various wall decoration options in the bedroom from wallpaper to fabric

Decorative draping walls with fabric and skin

The most traditional and simple way is the decoration of the bedroom with wallpaper. Someone will say: wallpaper … tired … trite … However, do not underestimate this material. It is with the help of wallpapers that it is very cool not only to emphasize the advantages of the room and its belonging to some specific style, but also to correct obvious shortcomings: poor geometry, illumination and small size.

Types of wallpaper:



non -woven,











Wall decoration in the bedroom can also be carried out with simple paint. And this is also far from the worst option, because you can repaint the surface when you want. But this cannot be said about the wallpaper, since their dismantling and re -gluing are associated with certain difficulties.

On the walls, the paint looks good only if the surfaces are carefully leveled and prepared.

For several years now, a very popular decoration has been decorative plaster, including the Venetian. Structural plasters are quite acceptable in price, which cannot be said about the «Venetian». But they all have one wonderful property: a high degree of strength, which only grows over time, and a very large spectrum of textures and shades.

The finish of the fabric looks very stylish and expensive. Indeed, this is far from cheap pleasure. However, the result is worth it: the taped walls will give the room the appearance of the exquisite boudo. Fabrics are impregnated with special compounds, after which they do not absorb smells and do not accumulate dust. Any drawing can be applied to the canvas, and there will never be even barely noticeable seams on it, like on the wallpaper. The fabric can be both easily pulled and lay with beautiful folds. The bestest thing is that you do not need to bother with the perfect alignment of the walls.

We use a tree — we strive to be closer to nature

Light and practical stretch ceiling

If you want to feel the healing power of nature, if after a hard day you can’t restore strength, if you easily fall into a depressive state, then for the arrangement of the bedroom you need to choose such a material that at the energy level you would give you all your positive potential. And this material is natural wood.

Decoration of the bedroom with wood, lining, beam, half -worn, partially or completely — looks incredibly comfortable. In such a room you can really relax and rest. After all, it is not for nothing that now one of the most popular interior styles is country! The combination of natural materials and the cute simplicity of the village house magically acts on any gorgeous dusty dust of the city dweller. And finding yourself in this oasis, you will understand that you should not be the best. And if you do not like the “simple” interiors, no one prevents you from ordering panels from valuable wood with carvings, inlay, and t. D. Anyway, the desired effect will be achieved.

Wood is a very durable material that is restored. Various impregnations and care products will not allow parasites, and as a result — destruction. And this means that, having made a one -time investment, you will forever provide yourself with a beautiful and elegant bedroom.

We understand the ceiling

The ceiling is a real «toothache» of those who seek to do everything with their own hands. Even relatively simple aligning technologies can turn into true torture. Even primitive impacing will not give you a guarantee that over time, cracks will not appear on the surface. But I really want to do everything “according to the mind and for centuries” … Well, the advice here can be one, and it is a funny banal: make a suspended ceiling. This is the best guarantee of the durability of the finish, and besides, you can choose the optimal design and shade yourself.

The ceiling can be made of drywall. This is generally a universal and win -win option, which is suitable for any interior style. If you want something unusual, you can design several tiers and connect to each independent backlight system. Recently, stretch ceilings have become very common. And it is not surprising, because their installation does not take much time, the design practically does not “steal” the height, and the variations are countless. In addition, the film is perfectly combined with drywall. Well, of course, the whole one does not lag behind the planet. But it is not recommended to sew the ceiling completely, since in this case the room seems low and not so cozy. But the combination of wooden beams or inserts with any other material looks just great.

The bedroom is a room in which they rest, and you deserve to have comfort, peace and complete serenity.