Varieties of fire extinguishers. Home fire extinguishers prices.

Swations in the power supply network, incorrect handling of electrical devices, inaccurate handling of matches or fire (fireplace, candles), not obsoidable cigarette — all this can lead to fire, and to a fire in a house or apartment. Unfortunately, the cause of the fire can be almost anything, and no one is safe from this. If a fire is detected, it is necessary to eliminate it so that it does not grow into a real fire. The most effective tool in such a situation is a fire extinguisher, so it is strongly recommended to have at least one in the house.

Types of fire extinguishers.

Fire extension prices depend on its type, volume and contents.

By content:

Water. They are considered the most environmentally friendly. They are used to extinguish solid combustible substances, it is not very suitable for the house, since they can not extinguish electrical appliances. After all, the fire extinguishing substance is water, and when used you can only aggravate the situation.

Foamy. It is well suited to eliminate fires associated with electricity, also copes with flammable liquids and solids and materials, but is most often used in production and in organizations, as a rule, it is not acquired for the house.

Gas. They are divided into types of gas, which contain (carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide — bromatil, aerosol). They are dangerous for the home, since when used you can not touch the pipes, since you can earn frostbite. And in emergency situations, people forget about this, even if they know.

Powder. The most common and, one might say, universal, can be extinguished, both electrical appliances, and furniture, fabric, paper. This is the most suitable option for a home or apartment.

When buying a fire extinguisher, pay attention to the expiration date. Shortly before the expiration of the expiration date, replace it with a new. It is a mistake to think that if the fire extinguisher was not used, then after the expiration of the term with it everything is fine, at the right moment he may simply not work or work wrong. The cost of fire extinguishers in Rostov-on-Don starts from 300 rubles and reaches several thousand, depending on the fire extinguishing substance and the volume of the cylinder.

Place for a fire extinguisher.

Flowing funds should be in the public domain for all family members, including children, of course, if their age is older than 7 years, it will be useful to teach a child to use a fire extinguisher. Take a special place for the fire extinguisher, in no case next to the battery or electrical appliances. Never rearrange it so that he is in sight and in case of danger you are not at a loss and can use it.
