Varieties of blackberries and its beneficial properties or a real storehouse of vitamins in your garden

Blackberry is very similar to raspberries. This delicious berry lives both in the forest and in our gardens. Despite the difference in color, the beneficial properties of this in the blackberry are not less. The article will talk about the benefits and medicinal abilities of blackberry.

Energy value, chemical composition of the berry

Blackberry belongs to the category of dietary products with low calorie content, a capacity of 100 g of only torn fruits of 31 kcal. If it is frozen, then due to the increased carbohydrate content, calories also increase, reaching 64 kcal mark. Canned berries are even more saturated.

Blackmary berries contain quite a lot of vitamins and substances, mineral origin. Representatives of these are: potassium; magnesium; phosphorus elements; copper; iron; sodium; calcium; molybdenum and many other, no less useful. Caloric importance is determined by saturation with fiber and pectins, sucrose and glucose, as well as organic acids (apples, lemons, etc. D.). Black blackberries are rich in various and complex composition organic substances of the aromatic series, which are easily soluble in water. Seeds are saturated with fat oil.

Useful action and restrictions on use

In folk medicine, both the fruits and leaves of blackberries are used, all because they have healing properties:

affect the composition of the blood;

Positively reflected in digestion;

help easily get rid of SARS and inflammatory processes developing in the mouth and throat;

have a general strengthening effect on immunity;

contribute to healing of wounds;

have diaphoretic and anti -inflammatory properties that help fight numerous colds.

All the properties of the therapeutic nature have long been known, including the fact that the blackberry may well replace acetylsalicylic acid. Quite often, the fruits of this particular plant are used in order to quickly reduce body temperature and localize the inflammatory process. If you use a regular broth regularly, then you can establish metabolic processes, neutralize and destroy the parasites living in the intestines, as well as pathogenic organisms.

Berries are saturated with strong antioxidants that can protect the human body at the cellular level. Protection may be required from the influence of radicals to inhibition of aging processes, in particular, preventing the development of cancer processes. When women stops menstruation hormonal changes in her body. During this period, it is especially useful to use blackberries, it, in turn, stabilizes pressure and improves hormonal background.

Due to the fact that the leaves are saturated with a tanny substance, they are able to compact the surface of the mucous membrane, so to speak have a astringent effect. It is very relevant to use them during dysentery, liquid stool, as well as bleeding of internal organs. By the way, the leaves contribute to digestive processes. With their help, you can cure skin diseases, such as inflammation of the cover, eczema.

Efficiency has been established for diseases of the oral cavity and neck. You can even brew the branches of the bush, the broth will help with vegetative-vascular dystonia. Sometimes, as a result of operations, there is a adhesive disease, the course of which can facilitate this plant. Black tea is able to positively act on the intestines, with insomnia or intense pain. If you eat overripe berries, there will be a laxative effect, and the unripe, on the contrary, consolidate.

Glucosides participate in the processes of oxidation, in their quantity in the blackberry it is similar to prunes or raisins. There can only be more in a grenade. Polysaccharides formed by galacturonic acid residues reduce the amount of cholesterol, and normalize metabolic processes, and also remove heavy metals from the body.

For those who are interested in the benefits or harm from blackberries, it is valued not only with its berries. To some extent, juice from them and leaves are also useful. It must be done at the time of their full maturation. Juice is used for the treatment of inflammation of the bronchi, trachea, throat, with anemia and during the feverish state. Freshly squeezed juice is intended not only for consumption inward, but also externally. In what cases this must be done: dermatosis; RAS processing; with complications of arterial failure; eczema; gum inflammation; stomatitis; throat diseases; lichen. As a pathogenic and diuretic, juice is used in the diagnosis of anemia, diarrhea and gastritis.

It is especially recommended to include blackberry fruits in the diet, those people who underwent surgery or suffer from articular diseases, obesity, diabetes or a failure in the work of the genitourinary system.

Recipes for cooking blackberries for folk medicine:

gastritis, intestinal disorders, dysentery, food poisoning, stomach ulcer — the infusion will help: the leaves of blackberries are dry with boiling water from the calculation of 1st. l/1st. water, leave all this for three hours to infuse. Get 100 ml inside three times a day before meals;

inflammation of the colon and small intestine, internal bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, a decoction according to the above recipe must be drunk every two hours;

bleeding in the lungs, inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract — a decoction of roots, leaves: 20 g of dry mixture in crushed form pour 200 g of steep boiling water. Then place the resulting liquid on fire and boil for 20 minutes. Then leave the broth for three hours, for insisting, then strain it through gauze fabric and bring the volume to the initial volume, adding boiled water;

stomatitis — helps rinse the oral cavity tincture of leaves (4st. l at 400 ml, boiling water, insisted for 20 minutes., After that after straining the liquid, you can rinse);

Having chewed leaves, you can strengthen the gums;

The accumulation of free fluid in the abdominal cavity is a decoction of roots: for 15 g of rhizomes there will be a half glass of water, boil the mixture for about 15 minutes. Когда отвар станет менее горячим его нужно пропустить через марлю и пить по 1 ложке с периодичностью 2 часа;

Uroline disease will cure a brew of leaves and roots. 20 gr. mixture/200 ml of water/20 minutes cook. You need to insist 3 hours, drink 2st. tablespoons three times a day;

During diabetes sugar restrictions on the use of blackberry. Effective is an infusion of deciduous part of the plant (2h. spoons, mix 200 ml of water and leave for 30 minutes). The entire volume needs to be consumed three times.

With all the usefulness of blackberries, it must be used with caution with renal failure, allergies and stomach disorders. Swelling of the mucous membranes, vomiting reflexes and rapid defecation can be a manifestation of allergies.

Harvesting blackberries for the winter

Option No. 1

To dry the berries well, they need to be taken to the best of matured, in no case upset. The harvested harvest must be carefully sorted out, remove the stems and leaflets. It is not necessary to wash the fruits, just brush the dust with a brush. Then they are evenly laid out on the din of paper trays. The place of drying should be ventilated and without the likelihood of direct sunlight. Trays with blackberries are there for several days, during which the berries are stirred with a special spatula. If you dry the berries right in the sun, all vitamin C is lost.

Option No. 2

First, berries are dried on a tray, and then in the oven. For this, the baking sheet is covered with parchment paper. The initial temperature is 45 °, the maximum 70 °, while the oven should be ajar. Total drying time 4 hours. If the juice does not stand out when compressing the berries, then drying can be finished.

After that they are scattered into banks, hermetically closed. 10 kg of fresh product = 1.2 dry, stored up to 2 years.

Option for tea.

During the period of violent flowering, leaves are collected, it is then that they have a large concentration of beneficial substances. Next, they are laid out on the table and ride a rolling pin. After that, each leaf is twisted into a tube and laid in a jar for fermentation, this requires a dense lid. In a few days they go and lean out in the open air.

For therapeutic purposes.

Leaves are collected when a bush in color. They are dried either in the air or in the oven. The dried sheet is stored in linen bags or boxes. Shelf life of about 3 years. To freeze the berry, it needs to be cleaned, washed, dried. After that it is placed in bags.