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A project of a single building cannot do without? What needs to have in the water supply system in case of emergency situations? Is it worth saving on check valves?

The phrase “and without water and neither tudus and nor sudes” has become a winged one more accurately reflects the state of modern construction. Nobody needs a house project, and the house itself, too, if it does not provide a water supply and sewage system. And errors, whether at the stage of design or construction, then they are expensive during operation.

But the peculiarity is that such systems are especially valuable when they are designed not only for operation in the so to speak, normal regime, but also when an extreme situation is created. For example, water, or another environment, which goes under pressure, with a decrease in this pressure or at all the absence of it, can, after all, can go in the opposite direction. And if it is categorically unacceptable? Resource /Obratnyie-Klapanyi-1 /View -all-Products. Offers a solution to this problem. And this solution is called — «check valve».

What is it? This device that passes the movement of the medium in one direction and prevents the movement in the opposite direction. That is, while everything goes, as it should go, no one has a concept that a small thickening on the pipeline has some kind of meaning. Someone may even think that this is a factory defect. And only when an abnormal situation arises, then this element will demonstrate what it is capable of.

Yes, the presence of these elements will increase the structure. But losses, if they are not at the right time, there will be much more!