Persian pruning

Persian is a well -familiar fruit to all of us, which today many domestic gardeners are successfully grown in their summer cottages. This became possible thanks to the appearance of special varieties, allowing to successfully grow this fruit in the middle lane of Russia. The success of growing peach in personal plots largely depends on how correctly the care of this plant is ensured. We will tell you about how to conduct spring pruning of a peach, which will become the key to obtaining an excellent harvest and longevity of this fruit culture.

Many gardeners are skeptical of the need to perform spring trimming of fruit trees. And yet, if you want to get the maximum possible crop and sweet peaches, then the tree must be regularly thinned out and the spring prun.

The proper care of the peach implies the implementation of three main actions that will directly affect the yield of this fruit culture — this is watering, crop circumcision and soil feeding.

If in most cases of any difficulties with soil fertilizer and watering does not occur, then cutting the crown can represent a certain complexity even for experienced gardeners. Why is it necessary to carry out such a spring pruning of a peach?

Performing this work, you activate the growth of new processes, which subsequently deliberately fruit. If the gardener neglects the implementation of trimming, this leads to thickening of the crown, and the grown peach fruits are smaller, become tasteless, and in the near future characteristic diseases appear, which are caused by the lack of trimming of the crown.

Spring Persian pruning rules

It should be remembered that this work is carried out before the start of the sapoline. In the event that you missed the start date of the juice, then you should not carry out a trim. Otherwise, you can cause significant harm to the tree, up to the complete death of landing. The main goal of this procedure is the formation of the correct crown. Subsequently, the care of such a properly formed tree is significantly simplified.

In the event that the gardener can form a wide low tree, subsequently this significantly simplifies the assembly of the crop. Fruits in this case are juicy and sweet. In fact, the spring pruning of the peach is not of any complexity. It is only necessary to correctly determine those branches that are removed or shortened.

As mentioned above, all work on pruning peach is carried out in early spring. In the summer, you can find dry branches on a tree that froze in winter or did not move to growth. You can remove such branches painlessly at any time of the year. If you saw old dry branches on a peach tree, which can also be struck by pests, you must get rid of them as soon as possible, without waiting for spring.

Remember that it is forbidden to remove skeletal branches. It is only necessary to cut competitive branches that are poorly fruiting and at the same time consume useful wood resources, reducing the overall yield.

Spring pruning scheme

To date, there are two options for cutting this fruit tree — thinning and shortening.

By shortening, a gardener can form a high -quality beautiful crown, which subsequently simplifies wood care and harvesting. But for old trees with a large number of branches, we can advise thinning in which competitive branches are removed. Gardener should remember that only those branches that were put into growth last year can bear fruit in Persian.

That is why it is necessary to perform trimming in such a way that as many knots of replacement appear as possible, that is, short knots having two or more shoots. Next year, one of these shoots will develop, and will be fruitful, the second must be cut next year. Such a pruning technology will allow you to get a quality crop, and the fruits grown will be invariably healthy and large. Gardener can trim young branches, which in turn will allow him to form the perfect crown of a tree.

In recent years, the American technology of pruning peach, which is performed after the start of flowering, has gained great popularity. The gardener needs to remove branches with a large number of flowers. It is well known that a large number of fruits on one branch invariably leads to a deterioration in the quality of the crop grown. Therefore, under American technology, the gardener invariably sacrifices the number of crops, but at the same time gets delicious and juicy fruits. Remember that after this procedure it is necessary to process the incision with prepared garden vr. This will allow you to protect the tree from defeat.

When performing a pruning of peach, be sure to use a high -quality and sharply sharpened tool. Carry out all the work as carefully and correctly choose the branches that will be removed or shortened. Observe cleanliness and provide proper wood care after such a procedure. It is necessary to process all sections with garden var, water and fertilize the fruit tree.