The stabilizer of the voltage is hung. Features of choice.

Constant voltage drops in the power supply network entail irreversible losses of household appliances. Naturally, in such a situation, each user hopes for free repairs of his equipment under warranty, but it was not there. The guarantee in the vast majority of cases applies to a technique that was used at a supply voltage of 220 V +/- 10%. Prices for equipment are rising every day, and the purchase of a new one is not always possible. What a way out of this situation?

The stabilizer of the voltage is hung. Features of choice.

How to protect your technique from voltage drops?

To stabilize the supply voltage, stabilizers of stress have long been developed and used all over the world.

The main mechanism for the operation of the stabilizer is to align the power supply at the output, which allows you to make input power supply for electrical equipment optimal. Since all the electrical equipment is designed for specific power, the stabilized supply of power makes it possible to extend its life, as well as save electricity costs.

How to ensure the safety of all equipment in the house? To do this, connect the power stabilizer immediately after the meter when entering the wiring into the apartment or house. In most cases, a hinged voltage stabilizer is mounted on a wall in a non -residential room.

When choosing a hinged voltage stabilizer, it is worth determining the main criteria for their differences in order to choose the best option for yourself:

Relay-relatively rapid stabilization time with an accuracy of 3.5-5% when jumping voltage. Are the most budgetary due to low cost, and, based on this, the most common.

Servo -drive (electromechanical) — differ in higher accuracy of voltage stabilization — 1.5%. The advantage is the smoothness of stabilization — the absence of jumps, as in the version with the relay. The servo -drive stabilizers are more reliable, but also more expensive due to components — they are the second in distribution.

Simistor (electronic) — have the highest rate of voltage stabilization with a fairly high accuracy of 1.5–4%. This type of stabilization is the most reliable, but due to high -quality components and the most expensive.

Having chosen a stabilizer satisfying your needs, do not forget to pay attention to the availability of delivery, connection, warranty and official service — this will save you from possible problems with installation and further operation.

Based on materials: 220volt. .

The stabilizer of the voltage is hung. Features of choice.

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