The right choice of heating boiler is the key to comfort and comfort in the dwelling

To install individual heating in the private sector, in country houses, and now in the apartment — special heating equipment is needed. To solve this issue — first of all, it is necessary to decide on what kind of fuel the heating boiler will work. It is this parameter that is fundamental when choosing heating equipment. In this regard, boilers are: electric, gas, liquid -fuel, pellet, solid fuel and combined. Each of them is used in certain conditions, so it would be wrong to say which one is better or worse. The task of any boiler is to provide the house with heat, by direct heating of a certain heat carrier. And using the circulation pump, direct the movement of the heat carrier along the heating system, which consists of pipes, radiators, etc.

The most popular today are gas boilers. Manufacturers offer two main types of structures — floor or wall -wall heating boiler. Wall gas boilers are ideal when very powerful equipment is not required and when the area of ​​the boiler room is not too large. Heating gas boilers have a number of significant advantages. And first of all — ease of operation. They do not require constant control over the presence of fuel, and gas is also the cheapest type of fuel, and these devices have the highest efficiency. As their drawback — the room where they are installed should be well ventilated. A prerequisite is the installation of the automation of the security system, which is triggered in case of failures. Prior to the start of the operation of the equipment, a permit should be obtained, as well as conclude an agreement with the corresponding gas service. If the boiler is needed only for heating, you should purchase a single -circuit, and if for the device of hot water supply, a double -circuit boiler.

A solid fuel boiler today is still a popular and necessary heating device, especially in an area where the gas main does not pass. Coal, wood, peat briquettes, pellets and much more can be used as fuel. It favorably has high efficiency, which is due to the low cost of the fuel used and unpretentiousness in matters of maintenance and repair. Among them, solid -fuel boilers of long burning are distinguished, where the loading of solid fuel is carried out after 7 hours, and in some — after 34 hours.