Proper insulation of the walls of the garage with your own hands

Preparation for winter

Warming of the walls of the garage better preserves the optimal indicators of heat safety with the correct heating. The safety of heat will save the funds necessary for heating the garage. In addition, the conditions for repairing the machine will become more comfortable.

The conclusions of experts are as follows: in addition to the organization of heating and insulation of the garage, ventilation is also required. I need ventilation with an air flow of about 180 cubic meters. m. per hour for one car.

According to experts, the best temperature for storing a car is not higher than +5 from. However, the owners of garages express a lot of disputes about this. It should be noted that if the garage has +18 C and above, then the machine will be under the influence of sharp temperature changes, as a result of which corrosion is possible.

How to warm the garage correctly

To maintain the desired temperature in winter, the garage should be insulated. To do this, use materials with low thermal conductivity. When warming the garage, a large thermal barrier is not required, t. To. The requirements for the temperature in the garage are lower than in a residential building. Therefore, you can insulate walls from the inside of the garage. You can use classic heater that protect the garage from heat loss and increase sound insulation. When warming the garage, it is necessary to use fireproof material, since there is a high probability of an accidental spark.

During planning the process of increasing temperature inside the garage, the main question is always acute: how to insulate the walls in the garage? Conditionally heater can be divided into classic and modern. Classic are divided into:

fiberglass — produced in the processing of broken glasses;

mineral wool — manufactured when melting basalt;

polymer — obtained during the processing of polymers.

Modern technologies allow you to expand the assortment of insulation. The following materials are also widely used:

foam — liquid foam;

Liquid insulation — resembles a paint and applied with a brush or spray;

polyurethane foam — applied using equipment.

From the above materials when warming the garage with your own hands, it is convenient to use everything from the above, except, probably, polyurethane foam due to the lack of equipment.

Mineral wool, foam, basalt wool, stone wool, glass wool, foam — all this can be used as a heater for garage walls.

For example, mineral wool has excellent technical characteristics. But she has one drawback: it requires good protection against water using waterproofing. There is a huge list of various waterproofing. Waterproofing of the walls of the garage is an important point when warming with certain materials. When using mineral wool and waterproofing, it is necessary to provide a gap between the materials for ventilation — a “breathing” gap.

Video — warm the gate with liquid insulation

Good luck!