Stove sealant — how to use it correctly?

The staging sealant withstands the effects of high temperatures, therefore it is used to seal seams on heating appliances. It can be boilers, stoves, fireplaces. We will talk about its advantages and the method of application below.

What is the sealant in the stove structures for?

Repair of furnaces using sealant

During the operation of heating structures, some defects may appear. For example, cracks or cracks often form on masonry. There may also be decreases in nodes and joints. As a result, the operation of the system worsens. As a result, there is a risk of fire, traction worsens, dark spots and smudges from soot and soot are formed not only on the fireplace, but also in the heated room, the fuel consumption increases.

When such troubles appear, they will have to be eliminated using a special sealant. It has good adhesion and withstands high temperatures. Perfectly fills the space inside the seam or joint, preventing further destruction of masonry. Only now it is advisable to choose the brand correctly, depending on the conditions of use.

Characteristics of high -temperature sealant for furnaces

Repair of the passage node of the chimney of the bathhouse

These sealants in the composition have silicate ingredients that are additionally reinforced with fiberglass. That is why, when dried, these mixtures form a strong and solid coating, and the seam or crack is properly filled from the inside. Plus, special components are placed in the mixture that increase its fire properties. The sealant is able to withstand T up to 1200 ° C. However, it is worth remembering that it needs to be used only at plus temperatures. So, if the room is less than 0 ° C in the room, then it is not desirable to use a sealant. The period of drying out the composition directly depends on its «novelty». The longer the sealant is stored, the more time it will dry out. If we talk about the advantages, then the following can be distinguished:

Excellent adhesive characteristics;

high resistance to acids and alkalis;

good adhesion to all kinds of surfaces (stone, brick, plastic, metal, ceramics, glass);

resistance to sunlight and other adverse factors;

environmental safety;

Prevention of spreading due to the viscous structure;

quick drying;

good thermal insulation properties;

excellent mechanical characteristics;

preservation of their properties and volumes after vulcanization;

Prevention of cracking where it is needed.

Some compounds are resistant to water. Typically, this information is indicated on the packaging. But there are sealants and not waterproof, it is impossible to use them in a wet microclimate. Therefore, clarify the information!

How to apply a sealing composition to the oven?

Like any other material, a sealant for a chip pipe and heating devices is applied according to some rules. First it is important to prepare the base. If this is a metal surface and there is rust or warden, then they are eliminated. The base is cleaned with alcohol or acetone with alcohol. Next, they dry half an hour. On the brick surfaces, soot and soot are removed. Copper sulfate is suitable for degreasing. Next, prepare a sealant. For its application, it is more convenient to use a special gun. It allows you to save the composition and apply it better to the surface.

After you apply the composition to the base, you need to warm the heating device slightly. It is important to increase the temperature gradually. Thus, you will control the polymerization process, which can last several hours. After the composition is finally hardening (usually visible in dark color), you can do the cladding. For example, painting or plaster. And yet, it should be remembered that each sealant must have certain certificates confirming its quality. And the instructions describe the method of operation. So, for different compositions, different times for polymerization can go away.

Note! The sealant can be used not only for furnaces, fireplaces and other heating devices, but also for pipes and chimneys.

It is used not only for household heating structures, but also for industrial. Also, this sealant can be used for the car engine as a backup seal. If we talk about brands, the most popular are Penosil, Gasket Sealant, Pentalast -1110, Baumaster, Den Braven. The sales consultant will tell you which you are most necessary depending on the operating conditions.