Siding finishing — the process is complex, but very interesting +video

Siding by our days — popular decorative work. Once this material was wooden, and in our time, both metal and vinyl siding appeared. For the first time they began to use it in the 19th century, in America, to protect houses from rain and wind. After many decades, we also appeared.

Popularity of panels in construction

Video — Councils on the cladding of the house siding

This material is used to finish absolutely any structures and buildings: multi -storey buildings, cottages, trade and industrial facilities. They can be finished not only a new and just built building, but also requiring major repairs.

Due to the fact that the options for finishing siding today exist very different, you will be able to easily design your home to the beautiful and large material costs, as well as protect it from external weather phenomena.

External decoration of the house with siding — different options

From the video you will learn how to prepare the facade of the building for the installation of siding

Types of panels are divided by material. For example, there are six species today, which are worth talking about in more detail.

Basement. This type allows you to carry out work not only outside, but also inside the house. When buying the material, pay attention to the presence of anti -ruined locks, the uniformity of the color and the thickness of the siding — it should be the same. The finish of the house with this type of siding has the main advantage — magnificent appearance and high -quality protection.

Cement. This material is obtained from cement and pulp fiber. Such panels are often embossed, have a pattern. The decoration of residential buildings with this type of panels is rarely carried out, since they are very heavy, the price is high, and difficulties may arise in an independent installation. Their plus — they are not affected.

Wooden panels. Obtained from resins and wood fibers. The appearance of vinyl material almost replaced the “tree”, since it does not serve for a very long time, can easily be ignited, requires painting, impregnation and other care, and the price is quite high.

Vinyl. The finish of the house outside with siding of this type of panels today is incredible relevant. The outer layer of facing material allows you to protect against precipitation, and the internal one prevents a change in all geometric parameters. The main advantages of its application: a long life, minimum care, moisture and excellent air exchange.

Steel siding — used for cladding non -residential premises and structures (warehouses, garages, industrial complexes). The main advantages of such panels are that they are not subject to decay and allow you to choose any color. True, there are its disadvantages: high weight, high cost, inability to restore after damage.

Aluminum panels. Also most often used to carry out facing work of non -residential structures and buildings. The main advantages are that the price of it is quite adequate, and for a long time it retains the perfect appearance, and is also not subject to corrosion or decay.

Of course, such works have their disadvantages, but they easily overlap the advantages of the panels, in addition, all work can be carried out independently if you find out in advance from specialists how to finish the house with siding.

Siding finishing technology — House cladding options

First you need to choose the material, color, and pattern, if you want to diversify the appearance of the house. But you should also consider something. So, for example, the panels can be lined with either horizontally or vertically. Choosing a horizontal method, it is best to purchase a type of siding “Christmas tree” or “shipboard”, for a vertical it is best to buy panels resembling logs in shape. We must not forget about the color component. You can choose the color quite quickly, because there are more than 20 colors of the panels themselves, and each color also has its own palette. All colors are divided into groups: pastel, white and colored.

You need to say a few words about how to properly “cut” the panels, so as not to spoil their appearance, otherwise, you will need to purchase a new material, which costs a lot of money. Cutting panels are carried out using scissors, hacksaws, grinder. If you carry out all the work in the winter season, then you need to use disks with small «teeth». And all because at cold temperatures from cutting scissors can crack.

The panels should be stored carefully, covering with plastic or tarpaulin coating — especially if they are stored in the open air.

Understand how the siding finish goes — you can watch the video on the Internet — it’s quite easy, the main thing is to remember the main key points, and this will allow you to do everything in the best way and without errors.