Schabbie Shik and loft style — unity and struggle of eras

An exquisite and elegant bedroom in the style of Shebbie Shik is a real find for lovers of cozy and truly «living» rooms. About this popular “interior” direction, as well as about the Empire and Loft, no less demanded by designers, we will talk in our article.

Comfort and palace luxury of Shebby

Ready -made options for Shebby chic

Despite the fact that the word “shabby” is translated into Russian only “shabby”, the interior itself, it is hardly possible to correlate with this adjective. The objects used in this interior cannot be called old — these are things with history, as if inherited from a grandmother -girlfriend. They are characterized by gilding — in some places a shabby, but not lost a noble appearance, elegant carved details, and pastel shades.

The center of the interior of the bedroom in the style of a shabby chic must certainly be a bed. It can be either wooden and forged — the main thing is that it looks airy and exquisite. As for the color of the bed — however, like the rest of the furniture, you can’t use dark tones for its finish in any case. Shebbie chic involves exclusively light shades-white, powdery, light pink or light blue.

However, furniture does not have to be “historical” — it can be aged artificially. To do it is quite easy. First you need to paint the furniture in any of the above colors (with the exception of white) and wait for the complete drying of the enamel layer. Then apply snow -white paint and also let it dry properly. Now the time has come to “aging” furniture: for this you will need a piece of medium -sized sandpaper, which will need to walk along the upper layer of paint in some places. This will achieve the desired effect — the “lower” color will look through the white enamel and create a feeling of scuffs. You can make furniture even more interesting and appropriate interior with the help of decoupage technology by transferring a suitable drawing to it — it can be angels or flowers.

As for the decoration of the room, it uses all the same shades. And the floor, and the walls and the ceiling — everything should be bright. There must be a natural tree on the floor or imitating its laminate. The walls can be painted or poured with wallpaper — plain, striped or with a floral print. The same colors and drawings are used in textiles, a large number of which are another distinctive feature of Shebbie Shiko.

And another attribute of the «chic» style — accessories. There are a great many of them in such an interior: lamps and stylized candlesticks, pillows-thoughts, paintings, vases, figurines, dry and living bouquets, knitted napkins and watches. The color scheme is still the same — delicate, pastel.

Such an interior is ideal for a small bedroom, but for decorating a spacious room it is better to choose some other, less “chamber” style; In addition, Shabbie Shik is unlikely to evaluate representatives of the stronger sex — the interior of the male bedroom should be more concise and brutal.

Empire is an eternal classic in luxurious reading

Sticking objects in the style of Shabby Chic

The next style that will be discussed today — Empire. It can rightfully be called palace — after all, he is characterized by the luxury that can be seen in the boudoirs of European kings and emperors.

So, what is characteristic of the Empire -style bedroom? First, coloristic gamma. Unlike the same Shebbie Shiki, here in favorites are not only white and gold, but also dark colors — blue, burgundy, green. Secondly, furniture. It should be massive, on solid legs and, if possible, close with a canopy. The bedspread, as well as textiles on the windows, must certainly be brocade — however, here you can cheat and change the dear brocade to modern material that imitates this luxurious fabric. In general, amypiric furniture, for the creation of which the wood of valuable species is used, is more elongated in breadth than upwards — the cabinets are replaced with chests of drawers, and high chairs with puffs upholstered in fabric or ottomanki. There is almost no thread on wooden furniture — bronze or gilded metal linings are used as a decor.

Empire accessories are also distinguished by massiveness and thoroughness. The main motives of the decor are military equipment used by ancient Romans, sculptural and art portraits of legionnaires, as well as ancient Egyptian «artifacts» — sphinxes and griffins.

Empire -style bedroom design involves the presence of fabric wallpaper on the walls, which can be replaced with a successful imitation. There should certainly be a tree on the floor — however, an excellent linoleum that mimicating well under natural wood will also be quite appropriate. The ceiling is usually smooth, rarely — with a small amount of stucco. Color is also most often uniform, drawings on ampir ceilings are an extreme rarity.

Quintessence of our time or loft style

And now let’s move from classics to modernity and talk about the loft — industrial design that crossed the threshold of apartment buildings. The word loft in English means “attic” — at the same time, as a rule, the upper floor of large industrial premises. This style is very, very recognizable — steel pipes, large fans, channel and other attributes of factories and factories are used as a decor in such interiors. Favorites of loft interiors can be called such colors as:






brick red.

The main emphasis of such an interior is the finish. The walls in the room designed in the traditions of the loft — concrete or brick. Moreover, both of these materials can be both real or successfully simulated decorative putty or clinker tiles. On the floor, as a rule, laid wooden boards painted in dark color. However, ceramic tiles are also quite comme il fabure in the loft style, but in this case it is unlikely that it is possible to do without additional heating of the floor. Appropriate on the floor and carpet, but it must be plain and have a strict geometric shape.

As for furniture, here minimalism manifests itself as much as possible. By and large, only the bed and, possibly, the desktop should be present in the loft-spell. The cabinets are better to make it built -in and as much noticeable as possible, having finished their wings with glass or metal. But the bed should invariably attract attention — this is achieved due to its large size, and, surprisingly, deliberately laconicity. You can emphasize the style of the room by hanging the bed on fixed metal cables and making it as if soaring in the air.

The design of the loft -style bedroom imposes rather strict requirements for window design. «Clean» loft is large, to the floor, windows, decorated into laconic frames with black or steel binding. As we know, curtains on the windows do not use the curtains in industrial rooms, but in the bedroom it is hardly possible to do without protection from daylight, so here you can use Roman curtains or blinds.

Accessories in the loft bedroom are equally concise and strict. As a rule, these are one or two posters, a couple of photos or one abstract monochrome or bright picture. Lamps here also resemble industrial ones — it can be floor sofits, floor lamps of hypertrophied size and ceiling spots on rails. In any case, all the “decorations” in such an interior should be original and unique, but at the same time, in no case with elaborate.

It is worth noting that the most harmonious bedroom in the industrial style looks if it is equipped in the attic room of a private house — especially if the details of the rafter structure are left open. It will fit perfectly into the industrial style bedroom, and the fireplace is naturally strict and laconic.