Japanese -style bedroom — how to find your way to peace

A Japanese -style bedroom is a dream of many people who start repairs. Why is our design so popular in oriental minimalism? The answer lies in its ideal balance and the ability to “unload” consciousness, to influence a person like a healing drug. Eastern design always has a relaxing effect, so the dream in such a bedroom will certainly be full -fledged.

Colors and materials

Discussion of the design of the bedroom in the Japanese style

Having decided to get closer to the majestic detachment of the East, you must abandon the shades called the people as “tear your eyes”. Balanced Japan recognizes only discreet colors and one or two accent tones. But this does not mean at all that the interior of the bedroom in the Japanese style will subsequently turn out to be gray and dull. What shades and their combinations can be used?



A row of gray up to black.








Sunny yellow.

In fact, the Japanese in their interiors almost always use only the colors of the earth. Bright nuances are already a European “trick”, which is designed to dilute a little strict monotony of the finish. Select some one light shade, highlight the lines with a dark color, add a little liveliness in the form of an accent tone, and the room will never seem boring to you.

A Japanese -style sleeping room will look authentic if you use the following materials:








Rice paper.


All natural can cost quite expensive, so materials can be replaced with their artificial analogues. Of course, the special spirit of nature in this case will not be so clearly manifested, but only you will know about this.

Bedroom design — equip the space

Secrets of design design in oriental style

You probably know that in Japan, like ours, at the entrance to the dwelling it is customary to take off. Thus, the Japanese show respect to the house. It follows that the flooring should be as pleasant as possible for barefoot legs. The most natural material is a natural tree. Parquet or massive board can be replaced with laminate, but not by linoleum, even if the imitation of the tree is very believable. It is necessary that the boards are clearly felt underfoot, and not some kind of continuous coating.

Observe color balance. If, for example, you want to make the floor light, then it should be in harmony with the tint of the walls. If it is assumed that the floor will be dark, there should also be furniture and decorative elements — ceiling beams and sliding panels frames.


In the real authentic Japanese interior of the walls as such, one can not meet. Instead, the Sogzi sliding panels system are used, which consist of wooden frames covered with high -strength paper Vasya. In our case, you can simulate the «shoji» on two opposite walls, or arrange built -in cabinets for them.

The rest of the walls of the walls can simply be plastered. If such a decoration of the bedroom in the Japanese style seems too boring to you, use wooden panels, finish part of the walls with a stone and the interior will immediately become much more comfortable.

Great if you decide to equip a system of small drywall niches. In them it will be possible to put candles, lamps, accessories. By the way, the wall above the bed can be decorated with various accessories, painting, paintings. The design of the bedroom with murals (sakura, bamboo), as well as with a decor of beautifully draped fabric, will also look beautiful. A painted fans, engravings can be placed above the bed, and near it — mats or islands of carpet.

Ceiling and light

The ceiling should create a feeling of space, give the opportunity to breathe full. Therefore, there is only one option — white color. Moreover, the effect of open space can be created using the design of ceilings made of drywall, wooden rails, rice paper or fabric and backlighting. The suspension shape will always be either square or rectangular. Moreover, this can be a composition on the entire area of ​​the ceiling, or on a certain part of it.

Also now a stylized technique is very popular, which consists in combination of wooden ceiling beams and gypsum plasters perpendicular to them perpendicular to them. The peculiar cells are obtained, on the inner front surface of which light sources are installed.

Light in the design of the interior of the bedroom in the Japanese style plays a huge role. Lighting should be soft and scattered. As if it were softly, as if slowly, it breaks through an invisible translucent barrier. The game of shadows and half -tones will create exactly the enchanting atmosphere, to which we strive.

As an option, you can make a stretch matte ceiling, and install a number of lamps in the Japanese style on the walls.

Japanese bedroom curtains — stylish mobility

Japanese -style curtains are a system of sliding panels, from above and below limited by wooden strips. The width of each of them is approximately 1 m. If you have a standard apartment, it is likely that the wall from the side of the window opening will not allow you to apply several panels. In this case, you can slightly reduce their dimensions, because such curtains can be very easy to sew with your own hands.

As you remember, the eastern style welcomes everything natural. Therefore, curtains should be made of silk, flax or cotton. A stump tissue, bamboo straw, jute can be used as exotic. Curtains look great, in the design of which the materials different in shade and texture will be combined.

For the eastern curtains you need a multi -layer cornice. With it, you can have the sections as you like and shift them from left to right, right or from the center.

Japanese curtains are very practical in everyday life. Due to the perfectly even surface on the material, dust does not settle, and it can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. It is better to select the fabric not very dense so that daylight can freely penetrate through it. Scattering, he will create in the interior the very atmosphere mentioned above. Naturally, there may be some kind of drawing in the form of a print or embroidery on the canvases. The panels can also be made in contrasting shades, but in any case they should be in harmony with the color palette of the decoration of the room.

Let’s say a few words about the doors at the same time. As we recall, in Japan there are not even walls as such. It is clear that our phylene doors will look at least strange in the interior. Therefore, you can use door leafs in the style of «Shoji».

Japanese -style sleeping set — in search of comfort…

The Japanese are not like people. They even sleep in their own way. The Japanese bed is called «futon». This is a thick mattress, which is spread on the floor for a while, and in the morning they roll and hide in the closet.

Perhaps our man will sleep a couple of times on such a “mattress”, but in the end the desire to relax with the usual comfort will still outweigh. Therefore, for the sake of your own good, you should not experiment. Just buy a bed in a Japanese style, and it’s about the end. But remember that the bed should be the lowest as possible. The high, even very high headboard is not forbidden, but there should not be any “barriers” (nothing should limit the space).

What else could be in the adapted Japanese bedroom? On both sides of the bed you can put the nightstands, but again they should be low — no more than the height of the sleeping place. If the place allows, equip the toilet table. By the way, it can be made from a chest of drawers and a wall mirror.

There is still a lot of space left? You were incredibly lucky with the size of the bedroom. You can stop there, because the eastern interior «loves» the spaciousness. But if for some reason you need to expand the functionality of the room, look at a low coffee table. It can be either completely wooden or with a glass top. Scatter soft pillows around, and familiarization with the tea ceremony will give you an unspeakable pleasure.

Application of accessories in a Japanese interior

Well, the repair of the bedrooms in the Japanese style is over. It remains only to deal with accessories. If you are on the shelves, arrange a slender row of pot -bellied statuettes «Necke», not a single Japanese will understand why you did it. Well, in fact: do someone have «ladders» from nesting dolls in the bedroom?

Climbs in niches, lanterns with lampshades made of rice paper, fan, floor vases, thematic engravians, scrolls, paintings may well perform accessories. Popular aroma lamps now help create a certain mood.

There are quite a lot of small rivers and waterfalls in Japan. The sound of a murmuring water published by an artificial stone fountain will be soothingly act on the nervous system.

Lovers of wildlife can buy or grow bonsai with your own hands. The phalaenopsis style is perfectly emphasized — an orchid who does not like bright sunlight. To simulate reeds of reeds will allow the plant of the ponderium. Dracin Sander will help to attract good luck, and Sakura will remind Seriss during flowering during flowering. However, dried bouquets of flowers will also come to the court. But there should be few accessories, otherwise you risk turning the room into a shop.

Before applying a particular accessory, be sure to find out its value. In Japan, nothing happens just like that, and every thing, and even its decor, carries a certain energy. The same applies to hieroglyphs.

Alas, the Japanese interior gets along well with modern technology. If you like to watch the TV in the bedroom for the coming sleep, then it is advisable to close the screen with some kind of width, at least in the style of the same “sheci”.

Japanese interior — summarize

In order to correctly understand all of the above, we recommend that you read the following “blitz”, which in the thesis characterizes the features of the eastern interior.

What can:

Minimalism, lack of emotions, restrained simplicity.

Soft multiple light, a large amount of free space.

Melancholy colors + one accent tone.

Fabrics with small pattern.

Natural materials, their imitation.

Thin partitions.

Hidden type wardrobes.

Dark wood color furniture.

What is impossible:

Symmetry and parallels.

Bright, screaming shades.

A large number of mirrors.

The abundance of shiny coatings.

Modern furniture.

Modern technique.

The abundance of accessories.

The Japanese style in the interior is a whole philosophy, which can be comprehended for a very long time, because all the time you will discover something new and incredible for yourself!