Properly arranged waterproofing of the foundation — a guarantee of a dry and cozy house

Before the construction of the house, in addition to a large number of issues related to this. It is necessary to take into account the correct waterproofing of the foundation. And if there may not be unpredictable natural spontaneous phenomena, there are enough spilies of rain, a large amount of snow, raising the level of groundwater so that the water is in the basement. It is impossible to allow this state of affairs, because it is fraught with waterlogging of the foundation and walls, since they have a porous structure. Excessive moisture in the house affects the state of health of its inhabitants. Therefore, laying the foundation, it is necessary to ensure its high -quality waterproofing.

The first stage in the work on the installation of waterproofing the foundation is its plastering with a solution provided for by the technical requirements for it. The layer of plaster must dry completely.

The second stage is the waterproofing device itself, which is carried out as follows:

• only or roofing material is cut, according to the size of the foundation and roll into rolls, because, thus, it will be even and tightly adjacent to its surface.

• The binder (mastic) is heated and applied to the foundation, on which the roll material is then glued in 2-3 layers, carefully clutching. If this work is carried out carelessly and the waterproofing layer is lagging behind, water will certainly penetrate this place. Therefore, this work needs to be carried out especially carefully.

This isolation method is durable and reliable, but is a time -consuming process fraught with errors.

In places with a high level of groundwater, additional measures are used to enhance waterproofing:

• Strengthening it due to an additional wall along the waterproofing layer of brick.

• Such a layer is made of clay.

The second method of waterproofing the foundation is much simpler than the first. It is called painting and consists in applying the paint of the appropriate quality to the foundation prepared for these purposes. Preparation is carried out in several stages:

• The surface of the foundation must be dried to leve over sealant.

• degrease with white spirit or gasoline so that the paint is better to lie down.

• plastered with cement mortar.

• make a primer

• paint the foundation several times.

In cases where such protection is not enough, drainage in the form of geotextiles /gazonnaya-remhetka is installed with a spike-shaped membrane. Water accumulating in the membrane flows into the pipe below the foundation, and then from there it already goes into the soil.

The problem of excess moisture around the house can be solved by installing a system of drainage pipes or wells around the perimeter of the house at a distance of 0.5-0.7 meters, water is pumped out of time from time to time. For these purposes, asbestos, ceramic or plastic pipes are used.

In addition to these methods, there is also a method for processing the basement of the basement with a mixture of penetrating waterproofing, which expands when moisture gets on it, closes the pores and does not let moisture into the wall.

The use of one of the methods of waterproofing or in their complex is able to save the dwelling dry and cozy for a long time.