Predicting apple tree processing — efficiently prepare the apple garden for winter

At first glance, it would seem, in order to take care of the apple tree, you do not need to make special efforts, as if you had planted, and then she itself will grow up and grow up. But in fact, this is not at all so, having such a tree in its garden, you need to not only harvest, but also grow it. All season you need to pay attention to this tree, take care of it and invest your work, because it is the same plant as everyone else, and it is more prone to small rodents and pests. And then he needs to be fanned, then pour it when the rains are not pleased at all, then feed with various fertilizers from diseases.

There are no particularly complicated rules for caring for apple trees, so adhering to the simplest rules, you can annually get a good harvest of not spoiled apples, but rather, on the contrary, juicy and incredibly tasty, which do not teem with worms or do not rot yet on a tree.

As for the summer period, then at this time you need to monitor the condition of the tree and avert its diseases, if there is such a threat, and spray the substance from parasites. And this season they get rid of damaged, sick or unnecessary branches, this will make it possible for good branches to bring even more benefit, in the form of good fruits. On the occasion when the tree literally bends from a large number of fruits, you need to make a support for branches so that they do not break, and if these apples are already ripe, then they can be collected so that new.

For proper care of the apple tree in the spring you need to know and perform the following foundations:

make inspection and determine which branches were damaged from frost in winter;

Be sure to remove these damaged branches;

It is necessary to analyze and cut the branches that brought a bad crop last season to rejuvenate a tree;

The lichen who could form is carefully removed;

Garden Var is smeared with damage to the bark of the tree;

Then the prevention, spraying of plants is carried out, in order to protect against diseases and harmful insects;

During this period, for the first time, it is necessary to feed the apple tree with mineral or organic fertilizers.

Spring and autumn care of the plant practically do not differ, there are only a few nuances.

Autumn period in the process of caring for apple trees

The main task during this period is to prepare the plant for the winter, and so that it is the best as possible overwill. In order for the situation, on the contrary, the situation does not deteriorate, you need to stop the abundant watering of the tree in advance.

At the end of September, you can already carry out autumn processing. And before the onset of cold weather, all actions aimed at caring for a tree must be over and then you can safely leave the tree for the winter and hope that in the future your works will not be in vain and the crop will only please.

Care for the barrel and branches of plants

Before sending a tree in the winter, you need to prepare it well and examine it. See if there are lichens on the barrel, if there is, then you need to carefully remove them, clean them from the bark. And since with the onset of autumn these parasites soften, then getting rid of them will be even easier. In this case, you should not tear them off with hard objects, the usual film will be enough. Then, the “wound” should be treated using copper sulfate or garden vara.

Do not forget about the pests that live on a tree. In order to get rid of them, you need to spray the plant with drugs or collect insects. But this is not all, for the best effect you need to remove the old bark and set it on fire, as pests can winter in it. In the fall, the plant is sprayed with special chemicals in order to protect the tree from sunburn to the best and small rodents, it is treated with whitewashing, at the bottom of the barrel. This is done using lime or special paint. For stronger protection, wrap the tree tightly with paper.

How to feed and mulch the apple tree in the fall?

After you have figured out the wood and its branches, you should get rid of the bad fruits that rotted. This must be done so that pests or some bacterium that contribute to diseases in the future or disputes of mushrooms do not remain in them. If you allow this, then in the spring it will be very difficult to get rid of it.

Next, you should swap the ground with a shovel, and recall the land 10 centimeters in depth. And it is best to do this with a pitchfork to reduce the likelihood of damage to the roots. And do not forget that it is better to leave the formed lumps, they will help to maintain moisture in the winter period. At this time, when the earth is dug up, they add to it — it does not matter, you can apply fertilizers by mixing it with water, and watering all this liquid. So it even gets better.

They hill and mulch plants mainly with manure, but also use compost in this matter. But you can’t use fresh organics, it will harm it, making burns on the roots.

With the onset of cold weather, the tree trunk is wrapped (for example, by pine branches) or covered with a crowd. This is necessary so that from the blow of severe frosts — it was not too noticeable for him. Also, it should be remembered that you can’t touch the tree in winter, neither break the branches, nor to scare the ground, it is worth just leaving it to be wintering calmly and independently, because everything you need, you have done before that.