Power calculation, design, installation method

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Forced ventilation for the bathroom is provided by a fan, which is introduced into the overall air exchange system. Modern manufacturers of this equipment provided many options for its installation, and also developed devices with different design and power, which allows you to choose a device for any room.

In what cases in the bathroom, artificial air exchange is needed?

Condensate appears on the surfaces.

Steam does not go through the ventilation hole.

The fungus forms on the walls, the paint is swollen or exfoliated.

What are the bath fans and what are their differences?

Method of installation:

Invoice — installation is made at the output of the ventilation duct.

Channel — the main part of the device is inside the air duct. Standard dimensions 150, 125, 100 mm.


Centrifugal. An effective solution to the problem for large premises (from 14 m?). Advantages: high power at low noise level.

Axial. As a rule, installed on the wall. Have high efficiency (more than 100 m?/hour). Advantages: Small dimensions and ease of installation. The only drawback is the noise level, in some models this indicator reaches 50 dB.

Radial. They are made in two versions: two — and one -sided absorption. Compared to other models, they are very economical in the consumption of electricity.


When choosing a model, pay attention not only to technical indicators and sizes, but also to the noise level. To. Without discomfort, a person can tolerate sounds with a height of not more than 30 dB.

To reduce aerodynamic noise from a working device behind a source of irritating sound (across the channel), tubular or plate -type nozzles are installed.

How to calculate the fan power?

To ensure the optimal and timely change of air in the bathroom, as well as removing the fumes from it, you need to choose a device whose power is suitable for this room. The calculation of power is made in two parameters:

1. The volume of the room. Multiply the width, height and length of the bathroom. Round the resulting figure up (up to entire numbers).

2. How many times per hour should air change. According to the construction standards for bathrooms, this indicator is 6 and 8. When using the premises by a family of up to 3 people, we choose 6, more than 3 are taken 8. Next, we find the work of these parameters, for example:

— volume 7 m?;

— 3 people live.

Formula: 7-6 = 42 m?/hour, this is the minimum power of the suitable device.

How are the ventilating devices for the bathroom equip?

Hydrostat — device controlling humidity level. It is equipped with an automatic device that turns on and offs the fan when the specified parameters reaches.

The motion sensor turns on only when a person enters the bathroom.

The check valve prevents the opposite to the air.

Timer. The user has the opportunity to configure the operating time (from 2 to 60 minutes.).

In addition to the main configuration, they can be equipped with a control panel, clock, inclusion indicator, and spray protection protection.