Calculation of the depth of the foundation: how to do everything right

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The foundation is the basis of the basics. As in any other business, further construction work depends on its strength. It is no coincidence that this term is applicable in all areas of human activity. Therefore, before proceeding to direct construction, for example, at home, it is necessary to calculate the depth of the foundation of the foundation.

Defining factors when calculating the laying of the depth of the foundation

Professionals in construction, as a rule, immediately answer the question of what conditions are taken into account when laying the foundation. Even if there is no limit to human imagination and capabilities, you can not build a house anywhere and soil. Therefore, they first pay attention to:

Features of the soil. Determine its properties when drilling to a depth of 50-80cm (below the level of freezing). Rocky soil is considered the most sustainable, because it practically does not freeze and does not absorb moisture. Not bad and large-sided, but due to the presence of clay it is an order of magnitude weaker than the previous. The house is being built on sandy ground. The type of soil determines the necessary depth of the foundation.

Groundwater level also plays a role. And if you make a calculation incorrectly, you can seriously suffer. With an indicator of 1.5-2 meters, the foundation is laid at a depth of no more than 50 cm.

Important: it is not always true that the deeper the foundation is laid down, the better. From the above, we can conclude that these are not only additional material and physical costs, but also fundamentally incorrect work. There are many sad examples when a building from quality material falls apart like a card house.

The nature of freezing (in particular depth). An experienced designer will quickly determine how deep the soil freezes. Therefore, it is much easier to contact professionals.

Features of a potential house. Here everything plays a role from the features of the design: the number of floors, common squares, etc., ending with materials used to build.

Important: the choice of materials for building a house plays an equally important role. This issue should be seriously and carefully, because high -quality goods are expensive. Or trust professionals.

Given all these factors, you can make the correct calculation. The phrase is the optimal depth is not applicable in construction.