Polystyrene tiles — we create a high -quality ceiling coating quickly and simply

Despite the fact that many designers are trying to bring seamless coatings to the interior, all the popular polystyrene tiles are popular among many consumers. She is practical, inexpensive and aesthetically pleasant. You will learn about all its advantages and disadvantages, as well as the installation method from the article.

What are the properties of polystyrene tiles?

The video shows ceiling tiles

This polymer -based tile is made, therefore it has a number of advantages. Its front side can be both matte or glossy. The wrong side always has zigzag -shaped scars for better adhesion to the surface. The size of one square tile can be 15*15, 10*10 cm, and a rectangular 30*10 cm. Of the main advantages, the following are distinguished:

Does not require any additional care. It is enough to wipe the tile with a damp cloth or using a detergent.

Does not pass moisture and steam, therefore it is easily used in the kitchen and other similar rooms.

Has acid and alkaline resistance. Any harmful components of the coating are not terrible.

Easily mounted. Can glue on almost any reason. Moreover, hides small flaws of the surface.

The tile does not burn out in the sun and does not abrupt for a long time. Initial shades are preserved for a long period.

It has a low cost. Therefore, it is used even for low -budget repairs of different rooms.

Lends itself to further decoration. The tile is easily stained in any color.

Easily replaced. If the coating is damaged, you do not need to change all the tiles at once. It is enough to remove the spoiled and stick new.

This material also has its drawbacks. At a temperature of more than 65C, it melts and deformed. And if it begins to burn, then a strongly smoking flame is formed. Also among the minuses, the fragility of the material can be distinguished. With mechanical influences, the tiles can be destroyed.

Rules for choosing polystyrene tiles

Laying ceiling tiles — video

Like any material, this tile is important to choose the right. If you accidentally buy tiles of different sizes or differing in shade, then this will ruin the entire appearance of the coating. So, what should you pay attention to when buying? First, look at the drawing. For rooms with high ceilings, coatings with large drawings and deep embossing are suitable. Where low ceilings, tiles are suitable and small pattern and without embossing. As a result, low ceiling coatings can be painted with light paint.

Secondly, look at the geometry of tiles. Does it have even corners. Is the same size of tiles from different parties. Check it is very simple. It is enough to put different tiles in a column. Their sides and corners must coincide. Thirdly, pay attention to the structure. High -quality tiles should have a dense fine -grained texture. The edges should be straight and even, do not crumble. Fourthly, check if there are quality certificates. Fifth, select the plinth to this material immediately to this material. Ideally, if it has the same color as the tile itself.

How polystyrene tiles are applied to the ceiling?

Before proceeding with tile glowing, it is necessary to prepare the surface and materials. First of all, take out the tiles out of the boxes and lay it out in the room. She should «get used to» to temperature and humidity. Also prepare: spatula, plaster, sealant, glue, paint. Then they start processing the base. It must be cleaned of the old coating, dirt and dust. It is also important to eliminate rust and mold (if any). For this they are processed with special compositions.

Then they begin to align the base (if required). Since in the presence of small flaws (up to several millimeters), they can not be closed. Tile will hide these shortcomings. After the surface is ready, proceed to marking. Designate the center. To do this, stretch two ropes diagonally. The point of their intersection is the same center. Through this point, the line of the cross is drawn to the cross. As a result, the space is divided into 4 parts. Laying ceiling tiles will be carried out from the center to the sides. Only before direct gluing it is important to close all the doors and windows, in order to avoid the appearance of drafts.

Glue is applied to the wrong side of the ceiling tiles (a few drops in the middle and in the corners). After that, with some force they press her to the ceiling and hold her in this state for about a minute (during this time the glue will have time to grab). When all the tiles are glued to apply skirting boards. At the same time, their edges should be cut in advance so that there is a good joint in the corners. The technology of gluing is exactly the same. Apparently applied glue on the wrong side of the skirting board and as follows they press it. Keep in this position for about a minute. On this work can be considered completed.

Note! In the event of a gap between skirting boards or tiles, it is worth covering it with a sea with a acrylic.