Polishing marble

Natural stone is considered a popular material presented in several varieties. It is in high demand, as it has numerous positive parameters. Its popular subspecies is marble, which has a fairly high cost, since it has many advantages, and also differs in an exquisite and unique appearance. However, to preserve this type, it is extremely important to provide the material with optimal and high -quality care. For this, high -quality compositions should be used, and it is also important to polish it. You can do all these actions independently, and they will not take much time.

The need for polishing

It is polishing that acts as the final process of processing all surfaces formed from marble. It guarantees a rich and bright natural color of this type of stone. If desired, special impregnations can be used, which enhance this coloring. Some means have unique properties at all, which is which a coating is formed on which water or dirt is not delayed.

Marble is a material with a porous structure, therefore it does not have too high strength and resistance to numerous mechanical influences. Proper polishing can increase its stability before wear and the appearance of various cracks or chips.

During operation, marble surfaces under the influence of various factors lose their original shine and unique appearance, therefore, in any case, in order to return attractiveness and brightness to them, optimal polishing should be done.

It is not allowed to use any acids in the process of marble care, since they can cause significant harm to the material. The same applies to various oils and even juices or wines, therefore, when they get on the surface, it is important to quickly wipe the stains.

Materials for polishing

Initially, it is necessary to prepare tools and materials that are useful in the process of this work. These include:

sandpaper, and you should choose several of its numbers;

soft rag;


a grinding machine that can be replaced by a specialized device designed to polish marble;


a drill equipped with different nozzles used when working with marble;



special two -component adhesive composition;

abrasive elements;

special tools that provide optimal marble care, and it is desirable that they have wax.

Before the direct polishing process, you will have to pay a lot of attention to quality preparatory processes.


They are the following actions:

The entire existing surface is carefully examined, since it is important to determine the presence of any defects on it or problems. If there are significant potholes and cracks, then they are filled with a special composition of resin or cement mixed with lime. Often, liquid glass is also used for this.

If there are broken elements, then they are glued to place using special synthetic glue. It is important to choose a composition that, in terms of color and transparency, will fully correspond to the appearance of the existing marble surface. This is due to the fact that after the work performed, glue should not be visible.

In the presence of cracks, they are close up by special masters that are designed for marble.

The preparation also consists in grinding the existing surface.

How grinding is carried out?

An important stage in the full processing of the marble surface is its grinding. It is it that ensures the elimination of various defects that occur during operation. If you do not perform this procedure, then it is likely that marble will not last too long.

Before grinding, the base is thoroughly removed using a vacuum cleaner, after which it is processed with special organic solvents.

Using sandpaper, the surface moisturizes is ensured. First, rude abrasives are used, and after eliminating significant irregularities and cracks, you can use small abrasives. It is the transition from large sandpaper to small that provides the receipt in the future of a truly brilliant and unique coating.

As a rule, a fairly large layer from the surface is removed in the process of grinding if you have to work with significant surfaces, it is best to use specialized devices for these purposes, since this work can take too much time manually.

The process of polishing marble

After careful preparation, you can start polishing. It is the following actions:

Initially, the entire surface after grinding is thoroughly cleaned of all pollution and unnecessary elements.

The method by which polishing will be performed is selected. This process can be implemented manually or using a specialized tool.

If it is not possible to use any devices, then polishing is carried out by its own. To do this, prepare a special powder, which includes iron and sulfur. It is evenly distributed along the prepared surface, after which all the relations are rubbed with the help of a piece of fabric from the skin. As soon as such processing is performed, all marble is covered with paraffin rubbed with a soft canvas, and it must be dry. These works will ensure the ideal and bright brilliance of marble. In this case, a coating is formed that protects the material from a variety of negative effects.

Spruce is supposed to be used for polishing with special devices, then the corresponding machine is prepared. It is on it that this process will be performed. The planhab is completely removed from it, and the plastic case is also removed. They are washed, after which they are installed in place. Only then can you start polishing. The polishing circle is attached to which the optimal amount of powder for polishing is poured. It can consist of zinc or diamond dust, and also often selected an aluminum powder. It is watered with a small amount of water, after which it is well rubbed throughout the circle. The equipment is turned on, after which consistent polishing of the entire marble surface begins.

After polishing, you should make sure the quality of the process. For this, a clean rag is prepared, which is wiped the entire processed surface. A light bulb is turned on nearby, after which a reflection of light must be found on marble. If it is available, then we can say that polishing was completed correctly and high quality.

Thus, polishing marble not only returns an unsurpassed shine, but also creates a unique protective coating. Additionally, various irregularities, chips and cracks are eliminated. Therefore, marble care must necessarily consist in periodic polishing, and usually it is carried out once every five years.