Planning styles of the room

Any design project begins with the layout of the premises. This stage seems very important, since it actually sets the rhythm of the life of the inhabitants and determines the convenience of their relationship. There are two main types of layout — the interior of a closed and open type. In the interior of a closed type, it is planned to divide the total area into isolated rooms of strictly functional purpose — living room, bedroom, kitchen, etc. D. From the point of view of psychology, such a layout is suitable for people who periodically need solitude.

Open planning style involves the maximum of the general open space and the functional zoning of the room. This style is suitable for a sociable and sociable person, prone to demonstration behavior.

The color finish, the overall style of the room, furniture and objects of the situation is equally important. It is most advisable to approach their choice, guided by the conditional division of personalities into psychological types — extroverts and introverts, as well as a mixed type.

Extroverts — people oriented in their manifestations outside, prone to communicate with people and public performances. Typically, extroverts are lovers of everything new and are not prone to conservatism, therefore, the most progressive solutions are welcomed in design-from minimalism to hi-tech or avant-garde. Open spaces should prevail in the layout, in the color scheme — warm light tones for a harmonious interior, and contrasting — for the stimulating.

Introverts — people focused on themselves. For them, the most comfortable state is loneliness, in -depth contemplation of their inner world. They need a layout with secluded insulated rooms decorated in muffled pastel colors, it is possible to use materials of the original texture or drawing. Furniture and accessories are of particular importance in such an interior. They can be eclectic or antique — depending on the preferences of the owner.

When developing an interior for the personality of a mixed psychological type, it is necessary to decide which personality characteristics need to be level, and on which focus on. Sometimes it is sufficient to allocate a stimulating area in the working or dining area of ​​the interior. And the harmonious principle is to implement at the place of rest and relaxation, bedroom or bathroom.