Painting the lining inside the house — protective «clothing» for wooden decoration

Since the tree has been and remains the most popular wall decoration, the question of how to paint the lining inside the house, many homeowners worry. In the construction markets you can find a plot of paints and impregnations for wood, which is easy to get confused. Meanwhile, you need to approach their choice with all responsibility.

Painting walls from the lining — what to choose?

Video — painting walls from the lining

Non -processed tree is a good target for various kinds of molds and microorganisms. Especially if we are talking about wooden coatings used for rooms with high humidity. Therefore, the first thing that is needed for painting is a special impregnation that protects against the above «aggressors». For this, there are bio -protective compositions in which biocides are present. Some of them contain antipypees that help create a fire -retardant barrier on the lining. Such impregnations in most cases do not leave any traces on the material and completely retain the visible structure of wood.

However, today on the market you can find compositions that, in addition to protective, have a decorative function. Special pigments are introduced into their composition, giving the tree light shades. In principle, when it comes to internal work, such processing may be enough. But here there are its «pitfalls». The concentration of biocides in them can be very high and pose a threat not only for microscopic organisms, but also for people. Therefore, choosing impregnation for internal work, you should definitely pay attention to the presence of the corresponding inscription on the label.

If the bio -protective composition was not suitable for internal work, it was not possible to find a wooden house inside the wooden house can be carried out by decorative impregnation. In such compositions, the number of biocids is lower, so they are safer. The most famous of these impregnations are aquatex (on a water -based), pinotex (there are varieties for external and internal work) and Belinka (suitable for work both inside and outside). All of them can be either transparent or having any shade — as a rule, imitating the colors of valuable wood species. In addition, if desired, you can choose a composition that gives the tree matte or glossy. Such compounds do not need any additional processing, but still, in order to completely eliminate the effects of biocids on a person, the finishing material should be additionally treated with alkyd varnish inside the room.

And finally, enamel. As a rule, painting wooden wallpapers and other similar materials indoors without their use. They are used mainly if the wooden decoration has fed up, and it is not possible to dismantle it. The paint completely hides the structure of the tree, creating the effect of artificial decoration. Painting houses outside is another matter, here oil and alkyd enamels are used quite often.

Painting wooden walls — prepare the base

On the video — painting lining

It often happens that even a “fresh” lining begins to be covered with mold. This happens from the fact that it was not dried properly — under ideal conditions before installation it needs to be kept at room temperature for at least a month. In addition, a non -processed tree quickly absorbs dust and dirt quickly. Therefore, before subsequent processing, the material needs to be returned to the original color — for this, special bleach is used. They can be made on the basis of chlorine or oxygen. The first of them are most effective, but the latter are not so toxic. They have one common drawback — they cost quite expensive. In principle, you can whiten the usual chlorine for linen, but it has a very strong smell and in large concentrations is quite harmful to humans.

If we are talking about an old lining, then before starting work you need to get rid of the coating. To do this, you will need to completely remove paint or varnish using a grinder and sandpaper, and then treat it with the same bleach. After that, you can start processing decorative impregnation or varnish. If the decoration is covered with olifa or varnish and it is planned to be painted with enamel, preparatory procedures can be avoided. The main thing is to choose the right paint that will fall well on the old coating. Both oil and alkyd enamels, as a rule, fall well on any coating. It also happens that you don’t really want to mess with work. In this case, you can think about another decoration of the house outside — for example, upholstery with siding.

In the event that the new material has roughness on the surface, they will also have to be fucked. It also happens that knots fall out of the planks — in this case, putty is put in their place or they are glued with the help of PVA glue and the cutting of the branch suitable and the size. Then the material is clicked again.

Painting the lining — proceed to work

After the completion of all preparatory measures, you can start the most important. If we are talking about external work, then first of all, fire protection is necessarily applied. It is necessary to process it in two or three layers with an interval of about half an hour. You can apply an antiseptic in any way — a roller, brush or spray gun. Work should be carried out at a temperature of at least 5 ° C, in dry weather. The next day you can apply decorative impregnations or enamel.

As practice shows, decorative impregnation is still preferable, since any paint is noticeably fades after a few and the house has to be repainted.

As mentioned above, only decorative impregnation, varnish or enamel will be enough to process the lining of the room indoors. So, for example, the toplasur of the Belinka trademark includes wax, which gives gloss, so further processing is not required. It is most convenient to paint from a spray gun, because in this case the coating in the grooves will fall even more.

By and large, the work is not difficult. The main thing is to choose the right impregnations and paints and varnishes and follow manufacturers’ instructions.