DIY bath painting — new life of old plumbing +video

Each thing will eventually become unusable and loses the gloss, so the question of painting a bath with your own hands will someday be in front of everyone. Of course, you can change the entire bath, but this is not so cheap, and it is not always possible to take out a massive cast -iron thing from the apartment.

Preparation of the bathroom for painting

The restoration of the bath is presented in the video

It is worth saying right away that painting a cast -iron bath may deprive you of the opportunity to use this good civilization for several days, so before starting to work it is worth weighing the pros and cons. In addition, it should be borne in mind that with ordinary enamels — for example, those that are used to paint the bathroom cannot be used, special compositions are needed here. If you apply, for example, oil paint, then it will crack very quickly and move away, and then the bath will look even worse than before.

The first stage is the preparation of the coating for restoration. At first, the bath needs to be degreased by processing the entire surface with a detergent based on alkali (chlorine -based compounds cannot be used). You need to do this by putting on gloves, as such products can burn the skin. After the bath is cleaned of the fat and lime coat, it must be evenly moistened with water from the shower. If the streams of water flow from the walls of the bathtub evenly, and not jets, then the work was done well. After that, the surface must be dried, and then proceed to the removal of the enamel layer.

This is done manually, using large sandpaper or metal brushes, or mechanized, using a grinder or drill with a nozzle. The work is very laborious and very dirty, so you definitely need to wear gloves, protective glasses and respirator. At the end of the bath, it is re -degraded.

Then hot water is collected in it and left for a quarter of an hour. After this time, the water is drained, and the bath is dried with a building hairdryer. You can do this and rubbing the surface with a well -absorbing rag, but at the same time you need to ensure that the material does not leave the villi. Otherwise, when painting, they will be very noticeable.

The paint for painting a bath can be of two types — it is a special enamel and an acrylic -based composition called glass. However, in both cases, cracks and chips on the surface of the bath need to be thrown. An indication of what a putty should be, as a rule, there is on a packaging with paint. After the putty dries, the bathtub is re -polished and degrades again — this time by acetone or white spirit. Then there are two layers of primer, which are applied with an interval of at least 12 hours.

How to paint the enamel of the bath

Video — preparation of the surface of the bath for restoration

First you need to dilute enamel. As a rule, this is two — or three -component composition, which is prepared in accordance with the recommendation of the manufacturer. You need to breed such an amount of paint that will be required to apply one layer, since otherwise it will dry out and will not be suitable for work. Enamel is applied with a roller, trying not to allow the appearance of dreams. It is not recommended to do this with a brush, since it, one way or another, will leave stains on the surface. The first layer of enamel should be quite thick and before applying the second you need to let it dry well. The second layer should be made more subtle — the same as the third. The third layer is applied about a quarter of an hour after the second painting. Some masters also put the fourth layer.

When applying the paint, you need to ensure that air bubbles do not form on the surface.

After all the layers have been applied, you need to isolate the bathroom for at least five hours. Throughout the drying process, particles of dust and dirt should not fall to the surface; Ideally, this time should be at least a day. However, it is impossible to use the bathroom immediately after the enamel dries — the time through which it will be possible to start its operation is indicated on the packaging.

Painting with an acrylic composition

Before covering the bath with acrylic composition, you need to carry out the same complex of preparatory measures: from degreasing to primer. Particular attention should be paid to mixing components. It has a very thick consistency, and therefore it is quite difficult to stir it. However, it is this stage that is especially important, since with poor stirring of the hardener on the surface, unconditioned lumps may appear, which means that the bath will be painted poorly.

Painting is carried out by pouring. The finished composition is poured into the bath, starting from the sides, «passing» with a jar with paint around its perimeter. In the process of pouring, the air bubbles may appear, which can be eliminated by a soft brush, slightly running over the surface. The stripes remaining from the brush will be angry with themselves in a few minutes. Complete drying out of about a day, but it is better to use the bathroom at least three days later.

Painting a bath with acrylic — reviews on the network about this method are quite positive — will extend the life of your plumbing for about three to four years. However, according to the same reviews, the durability of the coating largely depends on the skill of the master and compliance with work technology. In a word, painting a bath — a video story about the process complements this article — of course, this is not the same as installing a new. However, in some cases, it will become a real find for everyone who wants to update the old plumbing without unnecessary expenses.