Landscaping the territory of the site

The garden after recovery will be more spacious, since the old trees and shrubs are uprooted simultaneously with the root, and other vegetation, for example, lilac, Weigel or Forethia, are trimmed and thinned out.

If you notice that empty places have formed between the plants, then they should be filled. There is no need to land the lawn, since it looks inappropriate, in addition, it requires a particularly careful. You can plant the territory of stunted plants.

By the splendor of flowering and ease of care, creeping roses cannot be compared with other plants if they are planted on a area that captures sunlight as much as possible.

Planting under shrubs and trees

What is important to know:

There is a need to fill out open personalities under shrubs and trees with plants;

The rooting of wild herbs occurs quickly, while they do not need to be particularly taken care of;

Plants that were selected should be in harmony with surrounding plantings in appearance and style;

The vegetation should be characterized by green foliage, the presence of flowers and a variegated color;

if necessary, then by ground cover plants there is an opportunity to move (for example, if you overgrown, they somewhat cover the tiles laid on the paths);

Care should be simple. From key work: watering with prolonged drought, disposable pruning per year, fertilizer in spring, weed fighting.

Plants: diversity

Which vegetation is better to cover the free space between the main part of plants in shaded and sunny areas?

Creeping roses are plants that, first of all, grow on the ground. Their shoots are bought, lushing right on the surfaces or a little hanging. Most types of creeping roses are characterized by small simple flowers and blooms 1-3 per year-it all depends on a certain variety. Like the predominant part of ground cover plants, to achieve the desired result, you should not mel — act with maximum determination. Based on the growth rate of the selected variety in prepared soil (loosened, without weeds), from 1 km2 from the 1st to 4 bushes. Under these conditions, roses begin to grow rapidly, and grow perfectly in width, determining the filling of the space. They are not demanding in care. There is only a need to cut them in the spring every 2-3 years. This procedure involves pruning the shoots to a height reaching a maximum of 15 centimeters (such pruning can be performed using a secateur). Due to this, the plant is peculiarly rejuvenated, besides, it begins to bloom more magnificent. If the plant is fertilized in April-May, then the flowering of these roses will be more abundant.

Of the advantages of creeping coniferous plants, one can distinguish that they are green all year round. Coniferous plants grow quite widely — this must be taken into account in case of planting. It is recommended to plant perennial plants between them for several seasons. In no case do not plant conifers tightly, because later you will spend a lot of effort and time on their trim.

Lavender, which came to our regions from the south, is able to cover the surface of the earth with a colored carpet even in heat on the decent soil and in the absence of proper watering!

Low plants, for example, some varieties of juniper: creeping, carpet and others.

Creeping deciduous plants and stunted shrubs, like an evergreen coniferous decorative shrubs, can be used to revive household territories illuminated by sunlight, and will delight the eye with the color of the foliage in the winter season. Such varieties of barberry are considered: warty, soft, creeping.

In the areas of the sun and acidic soils, these shrubs exist perfectly: cinquefoil, evergreen winter heather.

Such plants in the presence of sufficient watering can be spread by a carpet: a red carpet berry, a creeping birch bark.

These decorative plants can grow up to 1 meter in height: St. John’s wort, dwarf muscle, bearded man, etc. p.

For plain personalities with sufficient sunlight, various perennials will be appropriate: Bergia, Cuff, etc. And for the landscape garden they are suitable: low -growing willow, wild rose, winter wild erica, all varieties of Drok.