Deck board

When you pronounce the phrase “deck board”, the imagination instantly draws the endless width of the sea, the murmur of the waves behind the stern and the screams of the gulls. Today we will talk about the right choice of such building material as a deck board.

If you proceed from the name, then, of course, these boards have some relation to shipbuilding. Similar building materials were previously used to build wooden vessels and they were made from tree species that are as resistant to moisture and are less prone to rot and effects of the fungus. As a rule, they choose those breeds of trees that initially grew in the northern latitudes, where the relatively low temperatures and the reduced activity of the sun do not allow the tree to increase the sufficient thickness of the annual ring, from which the density of wood increases.

Traditionally, cedar and pine were used for these purposes, but the larch is not inferior to them in its qualities and to this day remains the most popular and demanded on the market of lumber. Its unique qualities make a decking board moisture resistant and frost -resistant:

Under the influence of sunlight, a larch board will not lose its natural color and shine.

When heated, the boards are able to release essential oils into the surrounding air, which contributes to the healing of a person inhaling a slight aroma. The natural release of essential oil can occur for almost 50 years.

Larch is resistant to pests and parasites.

The wood of this tree has a beautiful structure and many shades from yellow to red.

The difference between a deck board and a thorough or sex?

The deck board performed its purpose earlier at sea, lining the deck of many ships. The strictest demands were put forward to her, but in its structure it was unsophisticated and simple. The only thing that distinguished and distinguishes the deck board from the rest is the rounded upper edges. Previously, this contributed to more sealing the ship deck when processing it with resin.

Currently, the deck board is increasingly used in construction in personal and suburban areas and not only. It is used in the construction of terraces, verandas and baths, as flooring and flooring, when arranging garden paths, erecting small mooring bridges, ennoble the territory of the open pool, and so on.

The main building indicators of larch boards

The thickness ranges from 28 to 45 mm;

width 90-140 cm;

length 2-6 meters;

total moisture of the rock from 8 to 12%.

It is customary to distinguish between several classes: in or av, s, prima (a) and extras. As a rule, the board has a smooth, almost polished surface, but there is a type of material with a corrugated surface. The texture of such boards is called Velvet. The board of the Extra or elite category has no cracks or knots, it has no resin raid, areas that would differ in color from the general background of the canvas, there are no other shortcomings.

The larch of the prima class can have 1 or 2 large bitch, thin cracks, the presence of resin formations is permissible. The presence of natural redness and whiteness of the outer part of the board is not rejected, but there is no turnful. The board can have up to 2 small dents on the surface.

The class B involves the presence of 2 large branches of a light shade and 3 — dark, cracks are not forbidden on the surface, several tarry sags, natural clarification and redness, but Sineva is almost not found. Dents are permissible.

Category C board has any non -flinging knots and resin formations, superficial cracks. On the front part of the board, the shells that appeared during the production of the material may be present.

Features of assembly of structures from a deck board

A unique sign of installation can be called a small gap (at least 3 mm) between the boards. It determines the passive ventilation of the flooring or premises and the removal of excess water.

Two fastening methods are distinguished: open (the use of special screws) and closed (fasteners are used).

Boards are laid out on a leveled surface and a reliable base (wooden lags impregnated with waterproof composition).

The step of the laid elements depends on the thickness of the flooring (at least 40 mm).

To protect wooden flooring from natural conditions, it is not enough just to paint it. In addition, it is necessary to use special oils. To preserve the natural texture, it is recommended to use colorless coloring compositions. The choice of paint depends on the surface of the board.

When painting external parts, it is necessary to choose the paint resistant to wear and weather conditions.