Interior decoration of the bath with your own hands

Baths are structures that are intended for unique bath procedures that should be carried out at high temperature and humidity. Therefore, the materials that will be applied for the construction and decoration of this structure are presented by numerous and serious requirements.

The decoration of the bath should think over at the stage of its design, since this process is as important as insulation. It is important to ensure that during the use of the structure there is no softening of the materials, and in winter, when the bath is not used, they should not freeze, damp and collapse.

What materials to choose for finishing?

An important point is the choice of finishing materials that should withstand complex effects, as well as be durable and environmentally friendly. As a rule, the bath is built of wood, therefore, the choice of wooden decoration is considered the right solution. You can choose different wood species and perform the finish only with their help or use other environmentally friendly finishing elements.

Pine is considered a suitable material for the completion of finishing work in the rest room or other rooms, where during the use of the structure the temperature and humidity does not increase significantly. This material is affordable in value, and also has a fairly attractive appearance. It is not allowed to use a pine tree in a steam room, since during its heating, resin is released, which is a viscous and unpleasant material that spoils the rest of the structure.

Larch is considered an excellent choice for steam rooms and washing rooms. It can be replaced with linden. The wood of the tree has magnificent thermal insulation parameters, and also retain their natural and attractive color for a long time. At the same time, the surfaces from these types of wood do not heat up too much, so when using the bath if you touch the walls, it will not be possible to get a burn.

How the wall decoration of the baths is realized?

Internal work in this structure cannot be carried out by any breed of wood. Also, it is not allowed to use certain popular finishing materials, among which you can distinguish linoleum or various types of chips. This is due to the fact that the first option has artificial elements that, when heated, can distinguish dangerous and toxic substances. The chip plates are fire hazardous, and since the bath is melted precisely with the help of open fire in the furnace, the use of these plates does not comply with fire norms and requirements.

An excellent choice for decoration of baths from the inside is the choice of wood of alder or aspen, cedar or birch. These types of wood are optimal for use even in rooms that are subjected to periodically strong heating, and this is due to their low thermal conductivity. During heating, no dangerous or resin substances are distinguished. Also, after using the bath, it can be expected that all surfaces will dry very quickly.

After finishing, it is not necessary to cover wooden elements with any varnishes or protective colors, since in their composition, in any case, there will be numerous chemicals that evaporate when heated, therefore they will negatively affect the health and well-being of people who use the bath according to their intended purpose. Most often, a wooden lining is used for the walls of the bath, and all work is divided into the following stages:

The walls of the structure are cleaned of unnecessary elements, and poor -quality places and parts of the bath are also eliminated;

A wooden crate is formed, for which a properly dried beam should be used, and the optimal distance between the base of the walls and the future finish should be made so that the insulation, waterproofing can be placed and an air gap can be laid;

A thermal insulation layer is laid, a mineral wool, presented in the form of plates, is usually used for it, and it should be attached reliably to the walls, and a small distance is left between the individual elements;

A layer of waterproofing is created, and for this, an aluminum foil is considered an ideal choice that copes with the tasks, and also has many other advantages, among which a long service life, high quality, resistance to gap and resistance to other numerous negative impacts are distinguished;

Installation of a wooden lining, which should be performed in such a way that there is an air gap between the layer of waterproofing and the coating, and the styling itself begins with a pre -selected corner and the elements are attached with swimmers or ordinary nails.

Flooring in the bath

A tree for a steam room and washing room is an inappropriate material for the floor, since moisture will constantly fall on it. Therefore, a wooden coating can be equipped only in a rest room or in other rooms protected from moisture. It is important to form a structure on the lags here. The whole process is divided into the following stages:

The concrete base is prepared, which should be perfectly clean and even;

Based on brick columns, under which you can make a sand pillow are laid out;

Lags are mounted, which are wooden elements of the same size, which should be pre -treated with antipyrens and antiseptics;

Between the lags it is allowed to lay thermal insulation materials, which are then covered with waterproofing;

The flooring is laid, for which high -quality and even boards are used, on top of which it is allowed to mount another finish coating.

Another floor should be formed in a steam room or washing room, and ceramic tiles are considered an ideal choice, which easily withstands increased humidity and a large amount of moisture entering the surface. The following stages are implemented for this:

The concrete base is cleaned and aligned, since the presence of any transitions or other problems is not allowed;

the calculation of the material is performed, and the tile laying method is determined;

Using a special tile solution, laying itself in the chosen way is realized, and between the elements you need to use crosses that allow you to form a flat and beautiful coating with the same seams;

Switch grouting, which is designed to make a sealed coating, which will be stable before the influence of moisture.

Turning the ceiling of the bath

For the ceiling, the same material that was used for wall decoration is suitable. However, here it is taken into account that it is at the top of the bath that the highest temperature is set, so the material should be stable before this factor. It is not allowed that he releases the resin when he is heated, because it can simply drip from the ceiling.

For laying the ceiling coating, a crate is also formed, in the cavity of which heat -insulating and waterproofing materials can be laid. On top of the coating of the selected high -quality wood is performed.

Thus, the decoration of the bath from the inside is considered a difficult process for which you need to choose the right materials themselves, as well as know how the laying is performed. In this case, you can count on a beautiful, durable and completely safe decoration of different rooms of the bath.