Growing tomato seeds

To grow good tomatoes can even a novice gardener if it is neat, attentive and does everything according to the rules.

Cooking the Earth

Traditionally, land has been prepared from the autumn time. What are we doing? Mix very carefully, while we also sink, simple ingredients:

Actually Earth.

Ready humus.

Pure sand.

Ash about 200 grams.

Chalk, about 100 grams.

We definitely shatter the learned mass! In order to prevent any chance of breeding any microbes, weeds and unpleasant insects. Store the mixture in polyethylene bags.

If you did not have time to prepare in the fall, you have not involved anything, then you can do everything in the spring too. But then you can’t add ash in its pure form, such a mixture is only harmful. The hood from the ash will help, the solution from which we will water seedlings. Make it easy. We pour one glass of ash into a full ten -liter bucket of water, let him insist on a day. In front of the polyp, we will skip everything through gauze.

Tomatov seeds

They should prepare them for spring landings no later than February. Choose large seeds of the correct shape, clean and beautiful. Wrap in gauze, each variety separately and divide into bags. Let’s sign it so as not to get confused. We lay all our bags in manganese solution (according to the composition: a teaspoon, dilute the water with a liter of water) for twenty minutes, then wash it with clean water.

The next step: to the bottom of the container, with a height of the side of about four centimeters, we put a dense fabric. It is pre -moistened with a solution used for fertilizers of any indoor plants. In one row our seeds of tomatoes put in one row on a wet rag. It remains to cover the pallet with a plastic bag and remove for a day in heat. After twenty -four hours, put the seeds in the refrigerator, where we hold for four hours and again in a warm place, again for the same period. Five or six days later, the seeds will germinate.

Actually landing

There are recommendations that should be held as much as possible, otherwise nothing good will work out.

For seedlings, we use containers, the dimensions of which should be approximately 28×32 centimeters, and the height of the side is about six centimeters. Either put in wooden boxes, and we linen their bottom with a film that will hold moisture.

For diving, we use parts of plastic bottles or plastic disposable glasses.

We plant it like this: we pour out the prepared land, five centimeters high in the finished dumpet, we level the layer, every three centimeters make shallow grooves and spread the seeds at least three centimeters from each other in them with tweezers. In one groove we put the seeds of one variety, do not mix.

Close the seeds. Sprinkle the furrows with earth, no higher than a centimeter and slightly spray with water to moisten the soil. Cover the container with the landing of the film and sends it to the warm place.

When the first seedlings appeared on the warm window sill (at least twenty degrees in the afternoon, at least fourteen at night), we remove the film, we need air.

We care

The main points of care for tomato seedlings are ordinary:

Watering. We try to do the moisturizing of the Earth after the planting of the seeds took place, then, before the emergence of seedlings, we do not water them. After watering every ten days or as the earth dries up. We take warm water for watering.

Top dressing. We feed seedlings also once every ten days. For top dressing, solutions from cow manure or chicken droppings will fit. Compost is also suitable. How many? Five hundred milliliters per box or three hundred on a dive tank.

Backlight. It is necessary. It is necessary to illuminate tomatoes with daylight lamps at least sixteen hours. We have light bulbs at least ten centimeters above the seedlings.

Piking. This can only be done when at least six leaves grow in seedlings. Previously — dangerous. How to dive? Seedlings are good to pour. The land that has taken root in the glasses is carefully tamped with a stick to make a deep fossa in the center, reaching the bottom. Put superphosphate there. We gently take out the plant from the box with a fork, shake off, break off two leaves, put in a glass and sprinkle with earth. Pour sodium humate with a mixture of humans, add more lands and a little ash. We leave alone for a week.

Cut the seedlings

A couple of weeks before planting in the ground, we take out the seedlings to temper into a dark place, leaving for two hours. Then, you have to give her to spend the night. If you are too cold, then close the film and add a tube heating.

We land

We complete all the preparation with planting seedlings in prepared soil. We prepare the rows, the distance between them would be good to determine no less than a meter. We drive stakes of wood or metal into the ground, pull the cord between them, and it is along it that we will dig a hole. Please note that there should be a distance of about fifty centimeters between the bushes. We pour the bottom of the pit with humus, plant the plant, water abundantly. We will tie the grown seedlings to the wire stretched between the stakes.


Mulching — surface shelter of soil around seedlings with special materials.

We fall asleep around the ground around the bushes with leaves, sawdust or cover with manure. A layer of Melchi should be thick, somewhere ten centimeters. Everything, the roots are protected from overheating or drying out.

Well, if you have done everything right, then your crop will be magnificent.