Growing delicious grapes by technology to obtain a rich crop

Not always everything is as difficult as it seems. This also applies to growing grapes. The clusters of juicy grape berries will show off in your garden, subject to all the rules and listening to the advice of viticulture with extensive experience.

What to pay attention to before getting down to business?

Many gardeners are faced with certain problems during grape cultivation. Grapes can freeze for the winter, deteriorate in the summer (add) or give a meager harvest with poor characteristics. Therefore, this process requires a serious approach.

First of all, focusing on the features of the climatic conditions of a particular region, you need to choose a variety of grapes that will be good in this place. If you live in the middle lane, then a good crop can be expected only from winter -hardy varieties that ripen early. There are already many completely new varieties that resist fungal diseases, low temperatures and the effects of pests. Such varieties of grapes can give a good harvest even in the conditions of cloudy and not long -term summer.

The peculiarity of the black -fruited type is that it requires more sunlight and their heat than white grapes. Although there are strong types of dark berry.

When buying a seedling, you need to carefully examine it. Namely, to check if there are any damage, spots of incomprehensible origin or dried areas. The main signs of a healthy seedling, these are at least three roots, well -developed and half -meter escape. In order to exclude unpleasant disappointments, it is better to purchase planting material in a special place where plants are grown and diluted. It is much better if the seedling is placed in a container, later it will take root faster.

If you are a beginner in gardening, it is better to purchase a ready -made seedling, especially if you have a desire to start “from scratch”. When you gain experience, you can easily manage the cuttings, and you can even grow grapes from the bone.

Detailed description of the cultivation process

As already mentioned, thinking about creating its own vineyard, you need to take into account the climatic conditions: if the region is not enough and with severe frosts in winter, then grapes are planted in fossa or trenches, and if there is a lot of snow, but not a short summer, you need it embankment. If the roots are protected from frost in the pits, then the device of the beds will allow you to give the right amount of heat in a short summer period.

Varieties of planting material allow you to engage in seedlings in spring and autumn. The main and most common way is the autumn planting of seedlings in holes.

The main stages of the process:

The selected area should be even, well -lit, without drafts and high humidity;

The planting fossa must correspond to the size of the rhizome, as a rule, an approximate depth of up to 0.5 m (the deepening is determined depending on the type of soil);

Be sure to fall asleep with soil, which is mixed with organic minerals, as well as a complex type;

The bottom of the hole is covered with a layer of gravel, on top of which there are still branches or planks;

grapes need to be watered and fertilized through a pipe with a diameter of 10 cm, which must be installed;

Immediately before planting, the root part of the grapes is lowered into the solution (clay + manure in a ratio of 2: 1);

The shoots are cut into a couple of kidneys and soaked in hot paraffin;

Having frowned the roots, the seedling is laid in the hole, after which it is covered with soil and rammed;

grapes should be poured with warm water;

To protect and improve properties, the surface is sprinkled with organic fertilizers or overwhelming excrement of animal agriculture.

During planting, all plants are located from south to north, while between the bushes it is required to leave a gap of one and a half meters.

What are the rules for caring for a vineyard?

For the bushes to form correctly, a strong trellis will be required. For this, two pillars (metal or wood) are taken, a metal thread is pulled between them. During the growth of the vine of grapes, they are tied to the right level, thereby setting the direction for growth.

The initial period (first three years) of growing requires more careful care: after each rain or watering, you need to loosen the ground, you can not allow the leaves to fade and dry out, you need to fight weeds in time. Only in the fourth year of life can the amount of watering can be reduced to four times per season, this should happen in the most important periods of development.

Through drainage tubes, as well as directly on the leaves, it is necessary to feed the bushes. To confront the attacks of pests and various diseases, the plant must be treated with chemicals. It is very important to find the right moment to start the fight against potential enemies, thereby not allowing the full death of the vineyard.

In the autumn, when all the leaves fall, you need to perform grapes. Когда начинаются заморозки, лоза снимается со шпалеры, крепится к земле, обрабатывается раствором сульфата меди и накрывается пленкой. With the onset of spring, you do not need to rush to unpack grapes, it is better to wait for the time when sharp changes in air temperature and night frosts stop.

Focusing on the advice proposed by the article, everyone will be able to grow their own vineyard, giving their loved ones the opportunity to enjoy his juicy berries.