Features and types of fences

The most important and necessary element of land plots and private houses is the fence. Such designs I perform a decorative and security function. Due to this fence, uninvited guests will not be able to penetrate the territory.

The most popular fences are considered to be concrete, brick, stone, nets — pranks and wood. Before choosing a material for building a fence, you should consider its characteristics.

Features of concrete structures

In recent years, concrete fences have become more popular. Such fences also call euros fences. Such fences are made in special forms, filling them with concrete, and then placing them on vibration stones. Thanks to such capabilities, the result is a design of a certain form.

The main advantage of such structures is the fast installation. Installation of such fences can be carried out in one day. To all this, such designs do not require laying the foundation and thereby, such a process reduces the time of work and material costs. To make the fence look attractive, it is recommended to color it. This type of fence has gained certain popularity. Such fences can be bought ready -made, or you can make it yourself. To do this, you need to find out where the concrete is sold nearby, and prepare the form. Buy, pour, wait for drying and install.

Features of brick structures

For the manufacture of brick structures, facial brick is best suited. If you use the usual, full -bodied red brick, it is recommended to be plastered before laying, since their surface is not even. Before laying a brick fence, it is recommended to lay the foundation, due to this, this design will last more than fifty years. Quite often the foundation is made high. To decorate it, the tiles of paving Petersburg are often used, which gives completeness and aesthetic appearance to the whole fence.

To diversify the design, you can use the pillars, due to this, the strength of the structure increases. To obtain the likeness of the grid, it is recommended to lay bricks with gaps. Holes can be performed in any form.

Such fences are not available to everyone, because at a price they are expensive.

Features of wooden fences

Wooden fences exist different types. Poop fences gained particular popularity. For the manufacture of such structures, boards of a flat shape are used, which in a vertical position are attached to the poles. With the correct manufacture of such structures, their service life may be quite long.

It is also worth considering that wooden fences require regular care. Such fences are recommended sometimes painted. This causes some inconvenience in their use.

In order not to be mistaken when choosing a fence, you need to familiarize yourself with all the strengths and weaknesses of all structures.