DIY a bathhouse from bricks with your own hands

[Caption ID = «Attachment_8324» align = «alignnone» width = «310»] for a bathhouse from bricks [/Caption] installation of furnaces in the baths (or similar to them for the purpose of the premises) our ancestors have been engaged from the time of ancient Urartu, Mesopotamia and Rome — using natural stones with many useful properties for laying out. This practice exists to this day, but in most cases the use of even porphyrite or gabbro-diabase (not to mention semiprecious jadeite) is a pleasant, but expensive pleasure, moreover, requiring an extraordinary skill of the mason.

For this reason, more affordable materials are used in the modern versions of the furnaces, the main of which is brick (ideally — chamotum or ordinary full -bodied). Giving way to natural stone in qualitative characteristics (strength, heat resistance, content of additional nutrients), brick, however, at times cheaper, more convenient in installation and sufficiently heat -fitting. This predetermined its “appointment” by the most common material for laying out bath furnaces.

DIY brick stoves for a bathhouse — projects and requirements for drawings

The most diverse, previously existing projects of brick furnaces for the bathhouse are now mainly reduced to options for stones «on the White» and with the stove, leaving heating «in black» in pre-revolutionary Rus’. True, this has somewhat complicated the construction technology, in connection with which, providing for the erected brick stoves for the bath with their own hands, projects must include the presence of the most detailed schemes. Moreover, a schematically depicted on paper, the built -by a bathhouse made of bricks with your own hands should contain the so -called “order” — in other words, the exact location of the individual structural elements of the furnace at the height of “from” and “to” a certain row. In this case, building brick stoves for a bathhouse — drawings with orderly will play the role of accurate instructions even for a person who does not have the experience of building this type of structure.

Building materials

Obviously, no matter what construction the bath stove from bricks with your own hands is thought, it will require the use of other building materials, in addition to the brick proper. The list of them will look as follows:

clay, cement and sand (for solution);

crushed stone or gravel (on the foundation);

boards (for formwork);

waterproofing canvas (for example, roofing ruboroid).

In addition, you will need a grinder for an abrasive stack of bricks and a container for kneading the solution (optimally — along with a small concrete mixer).

In order for a brick for a bathhouse to be reliable with your own hands, all materials must go through a thorough “quality control” — with the rejection of bricks with defects, the removal of extraneous objects from sand and clay, etc. D.


All furnaces for a brick bath, the projects of which are compiled taking into account the entire step -by -step process, provide at the first stage the arrangement of the foundation. For the furnace, it must be poured separately (and not represent part of the general foundation of the structure), and the lower border of the foundation pit for it should be located below the freezing level of soils. The process of preparing its foundation is standard-and includes layer laying with the subsequent tamping of each, approximately 10-centimeter, the layer of the first sand, then brick fragments and then crushed stone, on which the concrete solution will be poured after the construction of the formwork. After pouring, remove the latter (falling asleep with sand and stone) no earlier than 48 hours after covering the surface with several layers of roofing material.


DIY brick bath requires a very serious approach to preparing the solution. Mixing in equal proportions (1 to 1) of sand with clay is carried out only after preliminary soaking the latter 2-3 days after the complete removal of any garbage. Only in this case the resulting mixture will be homogeneous, which is a prerequisite for obtaining a reliable and strong foundation.

How to make a stove in a brick bath — the laying process

So, a brick for a bathhouse with your own hands, the drawings of which indicate in detail the location of each of its elements, taking into account the order, is laid out as follows.

1. To obtain sufficient thickness of the wall of the stove, bricks are laid in the ranks in pairs (while with the location of the bricks of each next row perpendicular to the bricks of the previous one).

2. Filling a solution of seams should be completely sealed — otherwise the walls of the furnace will pass smoke.

3. The third row is the best place to insert a blower door (ideally — from cast iron, not galvanizing).

4. The cast-iron furnace door with access to the inner well is mounted in the ranks from the 4th to the 7th.

5. Similarly, metal channels (serving support for heated tank with water) are mounted in the 14th row.

6. The height of the tank is about 8 rows — and therefore the installation of a refractory grate (the edges of the 1 — 1.5 cm detaching from the side walls in order to avoid squeezing of the bricks when the metal is heated) will be carried out in the 23rd row. It is the bricks of this row, serving the lattice with a perfectly aligned surface, for which roughness will be removed by a grinder.

7. On this, the mounting of additional elements ends — and the rows are laid to the very top as usual.

8. The last stage will be to clean the walls from excess solution, putty seams and (if desired) plastering the outer surface.