Design of cottages and country houses. This is the key to a great dwelling for the whole family

The current house outside the city is a combination of landscaping, convenience and grace.

Actually, in order for your house to be inherent in such qualities, it is necessary to pay significant attention to its design, including the design and arrangement of the interior of each room and the whole house in general.

It is worth mentioning that in many respects the design of a country house resembles the design of the apartment, although there are still certain differences.

Designing cottages and country houses, which points should be sure to complete?

1. Constant intake of fresh, uninhabited air.

2. The presence of the temperature necessary for the convenience of the building.

3. Acceptable thermal insulation.

4. Sufficient ventilation level.

5. Satisfactory illumination.

6. Architectural solutions creating comfort.

5. Correctly calculated communications

9. Using durable and reliable materials for the construction of the house.

10. External design of the room (exterior.)

11. Internal design of the room (interior).

12. Panoramic-strife design.

13. Safe security system.

It is necessary to take note of all of the above points even before the construction of a country house began.

Sometimes people delay the design of the house to the last, and are very mistaken, so think about the design in advance.

Interior design preferences depend on the chosen style of your future cottage.

Directly design and dimensions of the house affect the choice of room style.

So, in the presence of their own recommendations for the design of the building, they should be noted even in the drawing of future suburban housing, since in the process difficulties may arise with the implementation of your desires in life.

And maybe the implementation of your ideas will remain unrealistic at all.

In the design of the housing area, first of all, it is worth paying attention to such factors as: site area, shape, line, texture, color and light.

To create a unique atmosphere of your housing, all these factors are of great importance. The main elements of the design are the ratio, scale, consistency, rhythm, emphasis and coherence.

The main proportion and selection of materials in the design of the cottage


Scale — compliance of dimensions — due to the size of the premises. The scale should also correspond to the dimensions of future residents.

Harmony and comfort will be present in the room only when all the parameters in the building are calculated correctly.


The rhythm contributes to the presence of dynamics, it is necessary to repeat individual components in the design of the interior.


Emphasizing — the presence of the dominant element, the main component of the structure. Only if all the elements said above are in an inseparable connection, harmony appears in the design of the cottage.

Material Councils

The subsequent stage in the design of the house is the selection and purchase of the required materials. When selecting materials, it is required to pay attention to their functionality, the procedure for their operation, effectiveness, economy, environmental friendliness and reliability.

— The selection of materials is the selection of coverage of floors, walls and furniture. They should be chosen approximately in the same style as the whole house, observing their consistency with each other.

— Do not forget such a main element of the house as a window. Now plastic windows are increasingly used, they are ideal for rooms.

— Working on the design of your own home, you should also take into account the originality of a particular case.

— If you have children, or you are building a house for grandfather and grandmother, and maybe you have a cat or dog — you need to keep it all in mind, designing a house, because everyone should be comfortable.

Of course, in everything there are differences and features. In this regard, it is recommended to listen to yourself and your relatives. Designing your own housing should only bring you pleasure!

Having correctly designed your suburban house, that is, “having measured seven times”, you will build exactly the building that you dreamed about, a real generic nest in which it will be comfortable for all generations.