Technonikol insulation — description and characteristics


Technonikol company produces a wide range of heat, hydraulic — and soundproofing materials. In the conditions of the Ukrainian climate, heat -insulating products are in great demand: stone wool and extrusion foam polystyrene. Consider the characteristics and areas of the application of these high -quality domestic heaters.

Stone Vata Technonikol

Consists of very thin stone fibers of basalt rocks, between which there is a huge number of air layers. It is thanks to the low thermal conductivity of air, the basalt wool of the technonicol (Tehnonikolizol) is an excellent thermal insulation material. In addition, it is distinguished by heat resistance, does not melt and does not burn. At any temperature changes, it does not emit harmful toxins.

Types of stone wool technology

Rochelite — insulation made in the form of light hydrophobic basalt plates, fibers in which are connected by resin. Persistent for combustion and humidity, it is used for heat — and soundproofing structures, which are located at different angles. This type of stone cotton wool is especially popular in private, low -rise construction.

Tearls are long plates that are twisted into a roll. In addition to the advantages inherent in all types of mineral wool, thermallyll protects the rooms from noise well. It is recommended for insulation of roofs, attics, partitions and gender in residential buildings.

Technoacoustics — moisture — and fireproof plates. A special location of basalt fibers gives this material excellent soundproofing qualities. Used in residential and non -residential premises for decoration of ceilings, interior partitions, and inter -story ceilings. Great for creating sound insulation in nightclubs, cafes and restaurants.

Technoblock is non -combustible, moisture resistant, warm — and soundproofing boots made of basalt wool with low phenol content. It is recommended for use as a middle layer in layered walls and as an inner layer in facades sheathed with siding.

Technofas — like other materials, this brand of insulation is non -combustible. Used to insulate the facades of the building for wet plaster, for winding and sound insulation of partition frame. Well absorbed materials intended for finishing. You can buy Technonikol Technofas to the online store of simple repair with delivery in Kyiv.

Extruse polystyrene techniconicol

This thermal insulation material has many advantages: it perfectly retains heat, light and durable. Of the shortcomings, instability to fire can be noted. When burning, emits dangerous toxins.

Carbon Eco — polystyrene foam plates saturated with nanoglerode. They are especially strong, do not give shrinkage resistant to chemical influences and humidity, are not subject to rotting. These qualities make a heat insulator especially in demand in the construction of private cottages and low -rise buildings.

Carbon Eco Drain — used to isolate the foundation and flat roofs, due to the special design of the plates. On one side of the plate there are drainage grooves along which water outflow occurs and additional air circulation is provided. This protects the room from mold and fungus and from the reproduction of insects.

Carbon Eco Fas — slabs of this thermal insulation material processed by milling, therefore interact well with various surfaces. They are used for thermal insulation of plastered walls and basements.

Carbon Eco SP is a special type of insulation that is carried out specifically for foundations. Various communications are immediately included in the stove, including the “warm floor” system. This very hard and heat -resistant polystyrene foam, with constant geometric parameters. The following types of extrusion polystyrene foam are professional insulation:

Carbon Prof — not very dense material with high strength. Specialists isolate roofs, foundations and floors of residential buildings and office premises, shopping centers and warehouses.

Carbon Prof Slope — is a set of 5 plates that form an inclined surface. Plates, depending on the slope and thickness, have different letter designations.

Carbon Solid — very durable heat -insulating panels. They consist of many closed cells, are not deformed, resistant to chemical influences and humidity. They are isolated floor surfaces subject to strong mechanical load, road routes, railway tracks.

Carbon Sand-such plates are made for tabs in the middle of sandwich panels and for the production of isothermal wagons and bodies. Characterized by excellent moisture resistance, resistance to pair and fire.

C-XPS Carbon-panels of extrusion polystyrene foam, with a glued layer of cement-steering sheets. They are used in the overhaul of the house for floor insulation, which is made using the “dry screed” technology. This material cannot be used in rooms where there is a risk of fire: it is not fire -resistant and when burning it emits dangerous toxins.

Technonikol insulation help lovers and professionals solve any thermal insulation problems.
