Jute insulation

In order to insulate a new building made of wood, you can use one of the most popular intervention heater from jute, since many of the qualities that it possesses will be simply ideal for wooden buildings. It contains a certain amount of lignin to give the fiber the necessary degree of stiffness, as well as additives made of pectin and wax, which provide it not only with the properties of elasticity and flexibility, but also do not allow overdrysticking.

Jute itself is a modern plant material for thermal insulation of structures made of logs or timber. Among the varieties of such a heater, the JUTA tape is most attractive for builders, when laying it is enough to use only a construction stapler to consolidate it.

Juet’s tape characteristics


The simple work of laying. It only needs to roll the roll on the crown of the log house.

A homogeneous structure of the material, for which a dense fit of the crowns is ensured by each other.

Great soundproofing properties.

The density of the material does not allow the birds to be pulled out as in the case of moss and fake and, if necessary, the tape does not wrap the tape on the working element of the drill.

High characteristics of material strength.

The material is not subject to decay and spoilage due to the high content of lignin.

Long life.

Thanks to excellent hygroscopicity, the material dries quickly and absorbs moisture.

Warming with a jute tape allows us to exclude the need for double hemp, which indicates its efficiency.

Juts are environmentally friendly and helps to maintain a healthy microclimate in the room, since it is related to wood with natural material, which does not contain any harmful impurities.

Aesthetic appearance of the wall from the beam with insulated jute tape.

In addition, the felt tape has a sufficient density, as well as various parameters in thickness and width, which allows the optimal choice to arrange thermal insulation of any brush structure.


For all its advantages, jute insulation is not devoid of and shortcomings. Of course, you can’t call them significant, but, nevertheless, they take place. Due to the increased content of lignin, jute fiber compared to fiber of flax fiber of a more rough structure, due to which it is more susceptible to bonding under the load of logs.

The process of warming jute

The insulation process of the wooden structure with jute material is unusual simplicity. It is enough to roll out a roll coil with a ribbon and fix it by means of a construction stapler. The seam will come out neat and even.

Next, the logs are laid with the subsequent tightening of each of them with the help. The required amount of the insulation layer and its thickness parameters will directly depend on what properties the building materials have. For example, for the building where a profiled or log of a log was used, it is advisable to use insulation, the width of which is at least five millimeters. When a log was used for construction, it is recommended to warm the tape with a width of six to eight millimeters.

It is also possible to use loose material, the thickness of which is about fifteen or twenty millimeters, however, it should be taken into account the ability to shrink it when compressing the beam almost three times.

Types of jute insulation

Today, the construction market has several types of warming material from jute fiber.

Packla from jute (the content of scratching jute 100%). Is one of the most economical options for chopped and timber buildings. Its main advantage is the fact that the fiber is processed only by combing by preserving all its natural properties. This material is used for insulation by driving.

A felt of jute (100% jute content is allowed, but it mainly contains no more than 90%). This is one of the most attractive materials for insulation work. Flax additive acts as a binder material that is distinguished by a high degree of stiffness.

Juts combined with flax (percentage of materials 50 to 50). The material absorbed all the advantages of flax and jute where the rigidity of the second serves as a frame, and the softness of the first acts as a filler. A similar insulation is less crushed and more durable.

Despite the extensive variety of insulation materials in the modern construction market, only those that are made on the basis of natural fiber are able to ensure high quality thermal insulation for wooden buildings, where it is necessary to use intervention. And the most high -quality and convenient in their use by the representative is precisely the heater from the jute.