Walls. Finishing options with photos

1. Using wallpaper

The use of wallpaper as a finishing material for walls opens up great opportunities. Each season, the wallpaper is updated with new and original patterns, a variety of textures. In addition, they cannot always be from paper. A wide range of this material makes it possible to select the necessary option in accordance with personal preferences and wishes.

2. Create a fresco, photo printing

Traditionally, the fresco is manual work, which consists in painting the surface of the wall by means of water colors according to fresh plaster. However, this method of wall decoration is expensive, although its beauty and originality are worth spending significant cash on this. Today, more technological methods for creating frescoes have been developed, which are slightly lower in price than traditional. For example, it is possible to apply fresco to the canvas of the canvas or the use of an image with a self -adhesive basis.

Photo printing, the option is practically no different from the first, since it consists in gluing photos of wallpaper on the surface of the wall. Modern technologies make it possible to create any image today, with extreme clarity, brightness and color diversity.

It is important to take into account that very vivid images are annoying over time, so on the advice of designers, such murals are preferable to stick on walls that are not in constant field of view. If you decide to decorate a voluminous photo of the room, then in the bedroom for this traditionally choose a place over the head of the bed.

3. We lay out the mosaic

Mosaic belongs to the excellent method of wall surface decoration not only in kitchens or bathrooms. Such finishing material makes it possible to create masterpieces that miraculously fit into the sleeping interior and the overall design of the living room.

The most popular mosaic in the form of a panel depicting a certain plot has gained the greatest popularity — there may also be ancient statues, which is great for the interior in the style of «Classic». Mosaic can also be used to emphasize on a specific subject, for example, a mirror.


Is it possible to attribute brickwork to a decorative element? Be sure to. A brick is an indispensable component of the interior, which wants to give a rustic or rude design.

At the present stage of popularity, the use of decorative bricks acquired to framed the doorway and parapets of different sizes. To extend the life of a brickwork, such a wall surface must be covered using colorless matte varnish.

5. Crama border coating

The difference between porcelain tiles and a simple ceramic tile is its production under high temperature and pressure. This impact contributes to the creation of an incorrect, moisture -proof, wear -resistant material.

In addition, a granite ceramican is inherent in a number of qualities that make it possible not only in in order to finish the surface of the kitchen walls or in the bathroom, but also when decorating the facade of your house, guests, cabinet or bedroom room.

6. Decorative panels

Such material is ideal for those who want to complete the repair work as soon as possible, and transform their dwelling for several days, give novelty and uniqueness.

Plastic panels are very universal, moisture resistant, are able to simulate a variety of materials, for example, made in the style of «under the tree».This finish option involves the use of drywall.

7. Decoration with decorative plaster, staining walls

The traditional-innovative version of hotel materials is decorative plaster. This method has been used for many years, but at the same time remains the same attractive and relevant.

In fact, the concept of decorative wall decoration involves repair work, during which only paint can be used as finishing material. The principle of compatibility of painted walls helps to create a simple, beautiful and convenient design. For a long time it is not a fashionable trend of monophonic staining. Designers in this area use the principle of experiment with color scheme tones, which contributes to the creation of new and original interior pictures. The most popular today is to emphasize on one wall, by means of staining in a bright shade or painting for a stencil.