Repair Bachka toilet — useful tips of experienced plumbers

The most promptly performed repair of the toilet tank is the best guarantee that a small leak will not turn into a global water catastrophe. In the case of «Force Major» you risk flooding not only your own, but also a neighboring apartment, which, you see, is not very pleasant. Therefore, the instructions on how to restore the normal functioning of such an important item as the toilet is useful to every home master.

Repair of the drain tank of the toilet — how this design works

Dismantling reinforcement in the installation for the toilet is presented in the video

The whole “filling” of the drain tank is, by and large, two mechanisms: the drain and the one that supplies water. Each of them can be replaced separately, and, if necessary, both at once. There are two types of reinforcements responsible for the set of water in the tank — with a side supply and with the lower. The first option is found in the designs of the toilets of Russian production (as a rule, these are inexpensive models), and the second is for imported and better domestic plumbing. For the consumer, the main difference is the noise level when the water is drained in the tank — in the second case, it is practically absent.

The water drain mechanism is button and rod. However, the stock mechanism (that is, a lever familiar to many from Soviet times) can already be called morally obsolete — today they are equipped with only the most inexpensive models of Sanfayans. Basically, water descent in modern toilets occurs due to pressing the button. In order to save water, the mechanism is done — and double -mode — that is, when the large button is pressed, it spilled completely, and when descent with a small button, the tank is half freed by half.

How to fix a toilet tank — standard problems

The video shows how to change the membrane valve

Before proceeding to remove the tank cover, you need to familiarize yourself with the device for its fastening in order not to damage it during work — if it accidentally breaks, you will have to change the tank entirely.

One of the most common problems (without taking into account the suspended toilets) is a continuous filling of the tank and the same water leak in the toilet bowl. There can be several reasons for the continuous flow of water — for example, a simple bias of the float, which must only be put in the optimal position. Sometimes it can be in the shut -off valve of the float — it can slightly pass into the water in the float. This problem is solved by installing a new valve. To do this, you need to lower all the water, and then unscrew the facanin, which connects the valve and the water pipe. After you need to disconnect the lever and unscrew the fixing nuts, extract the old valve and put a new one, twisting it with old nuts. Next, water is typed in the tank and the float is installed in the desired position.

The reason may also be that there is a “hole” in the float — it is possible to eliminate this problem by its replacement. If there is no necessary reinforcement at hand, then on the float you can temporarily put on a plastic bag and tightly fix it on the rack. To replace the float, you need to close the maintenance valve of the tank and drain all the water from it. Then, using a divorce key, unscrew the pipe of water supply and stretch the float. The new float is installed in the same place as the old one, and then the water supply hose is screwed to it. Then the supply of water to the tank is restored and by moving up and down the adjusting clamp, the degree of filling of the tank is established.

In most cases, the cause of a constant water leak in the bowl is the wear of the float membrane. To change it, you need to perform the following manipulations. First you need to tie the float lever to the crossbar installed instead of the barrel and lower all the water from the tank. Next, you need to unscrew the nut holding the flush tube at the tank and loosen the nut of the siphon and disconnect it. After that, the new membrane is put in place and all actions are performed in the reverse order.

How to repair a toilet tank — other possible malfunctions

Sometimes a tank can flow at the junction of it with the site of the toilet bowl. To eliminate this malfunction, you need to tighten the bolts connecting them. However, this must be done carefully, since the tattered fasteners can cause cracks. Additionally, the cuff of the tank can be smeared with a special sanitary sealant.

Another problem that can cause particularly severe irritation is an excessive noise when typing. You can eliminate it in two ways. First, install the “muffler” pipe on the valve of the float valve. It is mounted vertically on the valve so that its lower end is located above the water, and the lower. Thanks to this device, water will come with much less noise. The second way to eliminate a “noisy problem” is an installation instead of a regular valve float of a special, stabilizing.

As in the case of any equipment, the life of a device depends on how the preventive measures are carefully taken. All mechanisms of the drain tank must be periodically examined for damage — this will protect both yourself and neighbors from unscheduled repair.