Reconstruction of the facade of the frame house

Frame houses have long and firmly occupied their niche in the construction segment of the Russian market. The main disputes about the pros and cons of this type of construction are already completed, only discussions remained on the choice of a particular system of frame household, applied insulation and technology.

Their main advantage over other types of low -rise construction is rightfully considered energy conservation. And in modern houses from the frame, this indicator is much higher than the buildings built using this technology 10 — 15 years ago. In addition, many of them already need to update the facades. How to perform these works so that the house becomes not only attractive, but also significantly improves its operational characteristics.

We make the house warmer

Most frame houses built relatively long ago have the simplest wall design, which is a single frame of a beam with a cross section of 100 × 50 or 150 × 50, in which either mineral wool or polystyrene insulation is laid. Outside, they were mainly lined with OSB slabs with subsequent finish.

The facades of country houses were most often finished either with wood or vinyl siding, but houses for permanent residence could be dressed in a cement-sand “fur coat”, plastered or even facing a brick. The latter, from the point of view of elementary heating equipment, is the worst option: condensate was periodically formed on the inner surface of the brick, leading to consequences that did not require clarification.

If polystyrene foam was used as a heater, then a layer of 150 mm, even according to current standards, is quite sufficient. But basalt wool for good thermal insulation should be at least 200 — 250 mm, but the main problem is not this, even if your home does not reach these indicators. The frame of the frame — in such thicknesses — is a bridge of the cold. It will not be stupid not to fix this when repairing the facade of the frame house.

Simple rules

Their non -compliance may not only not lead to the desired result, but also have negative consequences in the future.

You can not put a heater with the worst coefficient of thermal conductivity outside, this will inevitably move the dew point from the mass of the wall of the house to the border between the materials. If polystyrene foam was used as a heater of your frame, it is better to finish the dowry. Stick on the existing walls of PSB-S using polyurethane glue or even mounting foam a layer of 50 mm, plague it with a leapness and make the finish finish with a bark beetle, spray t. p., Or paint.

You can not warm with steam -permeable materials a frame house where a vapor -permeable insulation is installed. This will lead to the accumulation of excessive moisture in it. On a house with a heater from mineral wool, it is impossible to put polystyrene or polyurethane foam on the outside.

You can not have racks of the outer crate in front of the walls of the walls of the walls — it is unlikely that their total thickness will reach 530 mm required by SNIP. Shift them, setting them between the existing. It turns out a multilayer frame — the most advanced technology of modern frame housing construction. In addition, according to such a crate, it is possible to make finishes using the largest number of the latest finishing facade materials: from vinyl and basement siding to fiber cement panels, not to mention traditional false-brus and block house.
