Why does the smell of sewage system in a private house arise?

Local sewage system is an autonomous system of a closed type, therefore, during operation, it is very capricious. Minor changes in one of the numerous factors of the uninterrupted functioning of the system lead to unpleasant consequences, and mainly to the formation and rapid spread of unpleasant odors not only inside a private house, but throughout the site of the site.

The reasons why there is an unpleasant odor in the house are the same as in apartments, but along with common problems there are private.


To defeat the unpleasant sewer smell in a private house, it is necessary to find out why it arises, it is necessary to fight not with the smell, but with the causes of its occurrence.

Reasons and measures

Of course, to eliminate the sewer smell, you can buy fresheners in all stores known to you and try to flavor air, but such a measure will not help, so the first thing you need to do: to find reasons:

sewage installation errors;

incorrect functioning of the water plant;

implicit sewage leaks;

poor ventilation system;


The death of beneficial bacteria septic tank.

Incorrect installation of the sewage system

The reason is the most serious, costly and intractable. As a rule, the main mistake is the wrong bias of the pipes, the water does not leave, but stagnates. The way out of the situation is the laying of a new sewer system. Another cause of smell is a loose pipe connection. In this case, the elimination of malfunctions is not solved so radically, it is necessary to cheat all the compounds or install new cuffs, compact the joints of the pipes.


Under the plumbing there is a curved tube, in which water is always water, with the correct operation of the water plant, it is an obstacle to the smell in the house. The improper functioning of the water plant is caused by several reasons:

Air pressure in the system behind the siphon is more atmospheric, while there is a splash of water and noise or bubbles.

Waste water completely fills the cross section of the pipe, under the influence of discharged air, the water survey is empty, the water plug disappears.

Why such situations arise:

Pipes of smaller diameter than necessary;



lack of aeration valve and ventilation on long pipes or on a riser without a toilet.

The revision of siphons, cleaning the pipes and spilling with hot water will help to eliminate the problem.

Implicit leaks

It is quite difficult to detect the place of implicit leaks, since they are implicitly expressed or insignificant, which look like diaper rash at joints or condensate. To remove this reason for the appearance of the smell, you will have to carefully examine the pipeline even in the most inaccessible places, after detection, seal or replace the defective area.

Poor ventilation

In a few houses, full -fledged sewage risers with a ventilation system are installed. For private possessions, ventilation of the sewer pipe, which leads from home to septic tank, is simply necessary. The closer the ventilation to the plumbing unit, the better. Often, instead of ventilation, additional hydraulic surveillance nodes and check valves are mounted.

Such measures are effective before the first overflow of the septic tank caused by rains or meltwater. If the mouth of the sewer pipe goes under water, all the air from the pipes goes into the bathroom and the toilet, since it has no other choice; Therefore, the ventilation pipe is simply necessary to display the smell.

Septic tank and drainage wells also need ventilation so that the bacteria do not suffocate at their workplace. Recommended distance from the septic tank to the house of at least 5m.

If the ventilation is still equipped in the house, but the smell of the sewage system does not leave, then check the natural traction by applying the leaf to the hole; Perhaps the system simply clogged, then it only needs to be cleaned.


This is the most common cause of the unpleasant smell of sewage in the house. To eliminate the problem, cleaning should be carried out:

Chemical cleaning — finished compounds that dissolve dirt and fat.

Mechanical cleaning is a cable and a plunger to help, in serious cases it is better to call professionals.

Prevention — do not throw out the newspaper, garbage, rags, food waste into the sewer system. It is recommended to install gratings on the drain holes.


In the local sewer system, a huge role is played by a drainage system — wells for draining water and pipe of the irrigation field. They should cope with water that enters the septic tank, otherwise bacteria that process waste is drowning and die, which means that there is an unpleasant odor. The death of bacteria occurs for various reasons:

Due to household chemistry and acids, they are suffocated, so you should use strong products moderately.

As a result of the long absence of the owners, the starvation of beneficial bacteria occurs; These are living organisms, and they need to be fed, albeit rather strange food.

Supporting wells, septic tank zone and pipes should be buried below or soil freezing level. In this case, the water in the sewer system does not freeze, at a temperature of +4S, bacteria feel comfortable.

Caring about the state of bacteria, you maintain the performance of the sewer system, which means unpleasant odors that arise due to a poorly working septic tank will not be worried.