
Probably, each of us, starting repairs in our apartment or house, wondered how to drive a ceiling or walls. Our grandparents often dealt with this business, when we were small, therefore, we can safely conclude that it is quite realistic to whitewash the ceiling on their own. So, perhaps, let’s start with the choice of material. These are often lime or chalk, as well as recent development — painting based on polyvinyl acetate. Previously, you will need to remove the old whitewash from the ceiling or wall, this can be done with the help of an ordinary wet rag.

Many are often interested in experts on how to lead the ceilings without washing the whitewashing. To save your same time, we will immediately give an answer — no way. In any case, it is necessary to remove the rest of the chalk or lime. If you, of course, want your ceilings to be gray, and look as if they were not covered for more than two years, then please. And it is better to spend 20 minutes on washing, rather than then redo all the work. So, after washing, in front of you is pure plaster. If there are cracks on it, then they will need to be smeared, the same applies to all possible irregularities and roughnesses. They can either be cleaned or aligned with the help of finish putty. The next step in the process will be a primer. In general, there is nothing complicated here, just be careful and do not let clean pieces of the processed surface. Finally, the whitewash. It is best to whiten with a roller, gaining whitewashing into the colorer neatly, as when painting, roll it to absorb the material. Then, pressing, apply to the processed surface. Working with lime or chalk, you will have to repeat the operation at least twice, water -based paint will be possible to do in one. As for the paint, everyone often asks how to paint the ceilings without washing the whitewashes.

On the walls at least it is easier to wash away, and above the process is laborious. So, it will still be better to wash off the old whitewash, otherwise you will spend more time than it was washed off and whitened three times again. Nevertheless, if there are no physical capabilities, but it is necessary to paint, then the best way is to treat the surface with a spray gunner. If there is no one at hand, you can process the whitewashed surface with an acrylic primer, this will dry the white layer that neither a brush nor a roller will smear anything superfluous when painting. In general, we figured out the ceilings, there was another small nuance, regarding the wall surfaces — is it possible to put tiles for whitewashing? It all depends on the quality of the work. It is theoretically possible to glue the tiles for whitewashing, but how the durability of this tile will remain in question. The thing is that over time the whitewashing dumps, crumbles and its structural-mechanical properties can affect the tile glue, which will be scattered along the chain reaction after whitewashing. Therefore, we recommend that you spend better one day to remove the old whitewash than then spend a couple of weeks and your funds to re -put tiles.