We carry out water and sewer to the house. Internet outside the city

Without food, a person can live even three weeks, and without water — only a few days. There was a time when the water was worn with buckets, now it comes to the house through the pipes. Have you thought about why the ancestors settled in river valleys or on the coasts of lakes and the seas? Yes, of course, next to the water.

Watering water into the house was a dream that came to life only in the XLX century. Wooden buildings of ancient cities and stove heating led to frequent fires. Here are the firefighters and became the first plumber. But if the water was brought into the dwelling, then it is necessary to remove it. So the sewage system appeared. This is in cities. Village residents dug wells closer to the house. In the summer, Aryki dug or put prohibits on small rivers and took the stream closer to the houses.

The person is used to the fact that there is always water, only hands stretch. Therefore, moving to the country or to the country house, the first inconvenience is always manifested in the absence of water. Water supply at home becomes the main task of suburban life. Walking water and buckets on the rocker hand, as our grandmothers did, bad idea.

First of all, you need to find the source from which you will draw water. A project is needed, at least a sketch. Pipe, filters, valves, accessories are prepared according to the project. It also needs a consumable tank, a structure raised 10 meters above the surface to create pressure. From the container, pipe laying to buildings is performed. If you plan to live in the house in winter, the pipes must be deepened into the ground.

Usually the street water car is carried out by pipes with thermal insulation. In addition to isolation, they should take place in a warm layer of earth. Consumable tank should have a valve for draining water and a cutting gate. The summer water vehicle is laid with a slope for water drain and in the fall is freed from the residues. But if the water flows year -round, the consumable tank should also be insulated.

Suppose you have a country house and summer water supply. Then you need to have your own well. In every area there are specialists building such structures. Yes, the well is an engineering structure. You do not want to drink water obtained from precipitation from the nearest source. Now finding drinking water in an open pond is not easy. European territory no longer has clean water rivers. The activity of man, the conqueror of nature, led to the total pollution of his vital product.

We are building a well

It should be deep, have a constant water level. When drilling, they pass into the second aquifer, isolation of the first, superficial. The first water lies close to the surface, so it is contaminated and does not have a constant level. The water -shaped device has its own subtleties. It is necessary to calculate the extraction of water and its regulation during construction. Excess fluid in the well leads to stagnation and unpleasant odor. With the installation of a deep pump and a small consumable in the insulated room, you will always have water. And if you still adapt the pump from the old washing machine, then the supply to the moom will be provided.

The third option that does not require large costs will be the insert to the pipeline passing by your site. This is not done arbitrarily. First, coordination with the owner. Then the connection project with use parameters. Under the developed technical conditions, the pressure in the pipe, the procedure for accounting for consumption is spelled out. A wiring scheme will definitely be required. A contract is drawn up and you are provided with water for all year. Of course, in order to connect your water supply, you will have to bring it into line with the requirements of construction standards. But the supply will become uninterrupted.

We are building a sewer network

Since the water entered the house, after use it must be taken away. We are building the simplest sewage network. Experienced people advise building local treatment plants, that is, a specially arranged container for wastewater. It is performed so that two -stage cleaning and pumping of a purified liquid fraction for irrigation of lawns is possible. Vegetable beds should not be watered with this water. A firm fraction remains. Therefore, a special machine will have to be pumped out at least once a year, depending on the dimensions of the container for drains and the amount of water used.

Stock receiver must be from the well at least 20 meters. This is very important so that the wastewater is not filtered through the soil close to the water intake. All sewer pipes are carried out in a septic tank underground. There are modern additives with which the drain is cleaned and freed from harmful bacteria. For local treatment containers, this will avoid an unpleasant odor and turn wastewater into fertilizers.

By providing himself with water and having completed work on the installation of sewage, a person can feel the joy of staying outside the city in clean air. Now you can arrange your life. You can install a shower, connect a washing machine. And recall the song about a cheerful whirlpool: “Because without water and not tudus, and not soda”.

A wired or WiFi Internet will help to pass long evenings in a calm solitude of a country house. The wire of the twisted steam and fiber -fiber cable are called upon to ensure sustainable communication for access to the network. Read more on the site.

We carry out water and sewer to the house. Internet outside the city

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