We buy a house in the village!

Than the house in the village is better than just a house? What are the advantages of such a purchase? Analysis and motivation of purchase.

The fact that a significant number of people, which, of course, allow funds, are striving to purchase a house somewhere outside the city. Those who are engaged in real estate trade and those who are associated with transport are also known about this.

Given this trend, as well as the fact that we all would like to have at least formally, neighbors, those who are engaged in construction, build not individual houses, but entire villages. Therefore, such a phenomenon as a cottage village, today no one is surprising. Moreover, those who are going to purchase real estate outside the city are already initially trying to find just such an option-not to buy a house somewhere, but in the cottage village.

Why? And everything is very simple. Firstly, the villages already have a ready-made communication network-electricity, heat, water, gas. And sometimes also sewage. Secondly, the villages can be guarded. And this means that it is possible, well, at least partially, not to be afraid for the safety of the house itself and what is stored in it.

Of course, the house in such a village will cost more than, say, the structure in the clean field! But here, as they say, choose what is more desirable — comfort and security or some amount of money that you will not spend ..