Water value in the heating system

Water that is used in heating systems is extracted from surface and underground sources. Its chemical and physical composition is very different. It contains a variety of impurities that fall into it naturally. And there are also products of human life. The main problems of water supply are the formation of scale and corrosion. Their elimination directly depends on the initial quality of water or its purification. Some owners of private houses and cottages understand that distilled water for the heating system is needed to increase the service life of the coolant. It is cleaned of all impurities and is ideal for use in closed heating systems.

Two species are distinguished by two:

The primary is formed due to a decrease in the solubility of inorganic substances, such as magnesium, calcium, iron, etc. D., which is the result of an increase in temperature. The highest degrees are observed on the internal coatings of thermal devices, respectively, and the amount of it is the largest there.

Secondary forms in the same place. The cause of the occurrence is solid particles located in water, which are applied to the walls of the devices.

What is the danger of scale?

The thermal conductivity of the scale is many times less than that of the metal, and this leads to its overheating. As a result, the walls of the devices lose their strength and begin to collapse. This is expressed in the formation of cracks and holes. A very important point — with an increase in the temperature of metal surfaces, a decrease in the coefficient of useful action and heat transfer occurs, which inevitably leads to additional financial costs. Only 1% of the scale is directly proportional to the loss of 1% of the boiler efficiency. To prevent such undesirable processes, water purification methods are effective: demineralization and deflection. It has already been verified and proved that the liquid after such cleaning methods does not form scale. Ideally, the system should circulate specialized water for the heating system.

What is dangerous corrosion?

No less water supply systems are corrosion. It comes from the fact that dissolved oxygen is present in the water. Its effect is manifested in point corrosion and the appearance of small craters on the metal. Moreover, such a tendency is observed — with an increase in the temperature of the fluid, the aggressive effect of oxygen grows.

So, inappropriate parameters of the water composition in water supply systems lead to corrosion and scale on the walls of metal devices. Further on the logical chain, these problems are built in such a row: bad liquid -> premature wear of thermal equipment -> Reducing efficiency and heat transfer -> financial costs.

It is cheaper and easier to warn the problem in order to avoid its negative impact on the metal. If the water with the appropriate parameters of the physicochemical composition cannot be found, do not save on its cleaning. Modern methods allow it to produce it very well, which extends the life and normal operation of the equipment. The effectiveness of a separate unit affects the entire system as a whole.